Chapter 9: Ghost town

As soon as Cuifen drove off from the Unit, her mind went berserk by the scene of the world.

The world had gone into a drastic change. It was never the world that she remembers.

As she rode the jeep, Cuifen felt like she was driving into a Ghost town. Not even a single soul passes by. Even though the same sun was there, the earth wasn't the same Earth that she remembers.

Big buildings were crashing down into pieces and all types of electronic junks were scattering on the side. There were burnt cars on the side and the road. Corpses were scattered on the ground and no one was bothered by them. It was normal to see open corpses laying on the ground. The world has turned into a total mess. Cuifen didn't even see a single soul passing by.

In all of the buildings that she passes by, not a single soul lives in it.

It was a terrible sight.

All of the departmental stores were empty with no one in them.

Cuifen was left dumbfounded by it all. The scene that she saw were similar to the drama roles that she played but it was far worse.

To think that, Shuzo was being with her on the side, accompanying her, Cuifen felt a bit relieved.

His sharp eyes were busy cautiously scanning around the area.

Because that no cars or jeeps were plying on the road, Cuifen drove off the jeep at its fastest speed.

She was the only one driving on the road as if the whole road was hers.

After driving for a few miles, the system of the jeep then signals, turned left and you will soon reach your destination.

As soon as the system made the signal, Shuzo turned to Cuifen and urged her in keenness, "Be watchful! You will start to see the zombies and mutated species from here on! They are deadly, we have to shoot them at sight!"

Cuifen turned to look at him and shooked her head.

The two of them then started to make the contact with the team of the REDPO1 mission. Shuzo announced on their unit mic, "REDPO1 mission team, we are on the way!"

The forces from the REDPO1 replied to it troublingly, "YOU guys come here Asap! We are in huge trouble"

Cuifen turned to look at Shuzo frighteningly.

The voice of the man sounds like they are in deep trouble.

Shuzo answered attentively, "Stay alert! We will reach there in seven minutes"

Cuifen pressed on the accelerator and drove off the jeep at its highest speed.

As they get closer to their team.

The hologram computer on their wrist had shown them the warning signal, indicating the threat up ahead, "WARNING!! A MUTATED SPECIES UP AHEAD!"


Alerted by it, Shuzo stood up from his seat and fixated the laser gun onto the species.

He was then locking the gun, ready to shoot the species at an instant.

As the jeep moves on, they come face-off with the massive mutated species.

It looks sort of a giant monster, the body of this species was made up of all the jelly-like cells and was massive. Even though it looks sort of a giant human standing. The monster's face has its eyes on the nose and his hands and legs were triple times bigger than the size of a normal human.

Terrified by it, Cuifen eyes were left widened.

She turned to Shuzo and inquired troublingly, "What's that?!"

Shuzo replied to it disturbingly, "It is the multiple variant species. The mutated tiny microorganisms have eaten up the cells of the zombies and were turning into a terrific creature as this!"

"Its cell is extremely dangerous, once contained with the human body, you need to be quarantined and do the laser treatment throughout your whole body! Only then you will get better!", he added in tension.

"It's that dreadful?!", Cuifen turned to look at the creature bizarrely.

Shuzo countered to it alarmingly, "Drive backwards, a bit farther from it. I will whack it with the laser gun"

Cuifen shooked her head at it and instantly drove backwards.

Noticing the sound of the car, the species instantly turned to them.

Shuzo pointed his laser gun at its head and shoot it from the long-range.

Burned by the laser, the species swivelled sideways in pain.

Soon after a while, it lay dead on the ground.

Cuifen smiled relief at it.

She then drove towards the spot where their unit members were.

As they reached the spot, they saw a swarm of zombies surrounding them.

The unit members were shooting them with the laser guns but more and more zombies were coming up to them.

It seems that because of starvation for a long time, these zombies had appeared altogether and hurdle them at once.

Seeing the scene from the other side, Cuifen clamoured in alarm, "Whoa! That's a lot of zombies!"

Shuzo sighed at it and observed it vigilantly.

Cuifen inquired him troubledly, "What shall we do now?!"

Shuzo turned to her and spoke up keenly, "You can escape trouble isn't it?!"

Cuifen glace at his deep intoxicating eyes and was left gawking in them.

The amount of trust that this handsome man has in her was massive.

Knowing his intention, Cuifen spoke up bravely, "Sure! Let's settle this once and for all"

She then drove a bit backwards like before.

Shuzo turned to observe the swarm of Zombies that were circling their unit members.

He then holds his mic and informed the unit members on the other side, "We are on the other side of the swarm of zombies. Stay back when I count to three, I will burn them with the lasers!"

The unit members were feeling relieved at hearing his voice.

Since their reinforcement has arrived, there was nothing much to worry about, therefore, the leader of the REDPO1 mission replied to it, "Okay then. We are ready.... count the numbers!"

Shuzo turned to look at the zombies intensely, he was then calculating how he should fire the laser beam.

The teammates on the other side were attentively waiting for his speech.

Shuzo then spoke up intensely, "REDPO1... Ready...One, two...three!"

He then instantly fired the laser beam onto the zombies.

With it, the zombie screamed in pained.

As soon as he fired, the teammates on the side have already shifted their position.

Because that they have been trained for a long time, they know how to act fast.

They took shelter and their bodies have been saved from the laser gun.

As the laser shoot down the zombies, the place echoed from their screams.

One after another they kept on falling onto the ground and lay dead.