Chapter 25: The breaking news

While Meifeng was musing on it, Shuzo composedly turned to look for Leina.

He was staring around looking for her and noticed her seating alone in the far corner.

As his sharp eyes focused on her, he noticed the man who had tried to force Leina to drink was moving towards her. Worried by it, his uneasy and heated eyes turned to glance at them.

He was stewed by the fact that Leina was drinking all alone despite his strict disapproval. What the heck is this girl thinking?!

Fearing that something troubling might happen with those men approaching her, Shuzo immediately stood up in concern.

Meifeng was left startled by his random conduct. Just as she was about to speak to him, she saw Shuzo standing with a panicked and disturbed look in his eyes.

It was apparent that he was anxious about something.

Concerned by it, Meifeng inquired him troubledly, "What....what's going on...Shuzo?! Is everything okay?!"

While she was inquiring him, Shuzo turned to her and replied unbotheringly, "It's nothing. Stay here"

He then quickly moved out from there without even waiting for Meifeng's reply.

Unnerved by it, Meifeng turned to look in the direction where Shuzo was heading.

As she looked on, she saw him heading him towards where Leina was.

Meifeng was left even more irked by it. It comes off that Shuzo was worried for his fake sister all along!

On the side, the two lecherous men went up to Leina and teases her in interest.

"Eh..??!! What's the girl with the mini-mission doing here all alone?!"

The two of them were then snickering, looking at each other in amusement.

Cuifen turned to look at the two men with her intoxicated eyes.

She blinked once and turned to look at them.

She then smiled in the drunkenness and declared disconnectedly, "Eh....! Ghost??!! Why am I seeing two ghosts?! haha....!"

She then laughed it aloud bizarrely.

The two of them got even more intrigued by Leina's playfulness. They were all over the moon thinking she has gone drunk for real.

Entertained by it, one of the men spoke up lewdly, "Eh...Miss Leina, do you want to play along with this ghost?!"

They were then watching her in hopefulness.

Cuifen smiled it out in the craziness and replied absurdly, "Play with the ghosts??!! Ha...ha...ha...Only a fool will play with the ghost!"

The two were left disturbed by it. They turned to look at each other hinting that they should instead use force to take her out from there.

The man then spoke up in slyness, "Eh...Leina...?! Don't be like that! Parties are meant for fun! What do you say?!"

The man then instantly grabbed her hands trying to force her out from there.

Cuifen shake it off and spoke up in drunkenness, "I don't feel like playing. Leave me alone!"

"Eh...Leina...! You can't be indifferent to your comrades?!!", the man then clenches her wrist tight trying to force her out from there.

While they were striving to take her out, Shuzo instantly took off the hands of the lewd man from Leina's.

He then raged savagely, "Leave her alone!"

Unnerved by it, the two men turned to look at him ferally.

One of them then spoke up infuriated, "You brat! How dare you to raise your voice on me?!"

The man was testing Shuzo's limits.

Shuzo glances down at Leina in agitation.

He calms down his infuriated heart guessing if he started the fight there, things wouldn't look good.

Instead, he turned to look at them savagely and declared furiously, "Leina has a mini-mission tomorrow, leave her alone"

With it, Shuzo bumped his shoulder to them and walked through.

He bent down and hold Leina in his arms and lifted her.

He carried her and walked out from there mightily.

With his sharp intense gaze, Shuzo walked out from there.

Cuifen on the side was drunkenly looking at his intoxicating eyes. The handsome man was carrying her in his arms.

Shuzo walked so tall and bold that all eyes were on them.

He walked through the swarm of people while Cuifen on the side wasn't aware of it all, she was busy gawking at his handsome face.

She was in her own dream lane.

The two of them soon reached the elevator.

The electronic screen of the elevator flashes out their details on the screen and soon opened the door.

With it, the server asked, "SU110 and SU111 where do you want to go?!"

Shuzo replied to it in composure, "Take us to unit 77"

The system compiled to it and soon with an instant boom teleported them towards their unit.

Arriving there at their unit, Shuzo opened the door and entered inside.

He slowly walked towards the couch and carefully put down Leina on it.

As he carefully put her there, he seats on the sides and was stretching a bit.

Leina was so heavy to carry from the party place.

To finally be able to keep her safe there, Shuzo was relieving himself a little bit.

He then tilt his head on the side and turned to glance at her.

Leina was resting in peace.

As Shuzo continued to stare at her, he saw a drop of tears coming down from her eyes.

It was as if she was tearing up in pain.

Shuzo's intoxicating eyes glances down at her in puzzlement while Leina cried out in her drunken state, "Lijun...!"

Bothered by it, Shuzo gazes at her in intense and asked her disquieteningly, "Leina....?!!"

Cuifen continued to cry broken-heartedly. She then clamoured out in wretched, "Why do you have to do it?!! Why do you have to betray our relationship and marry her?!"

In her dream, Cuifen saw her past life, she barged into the office of her first love, Lijun.

He was seating there in his seat handsomely. His sad eyes turned to look at her troubledly while Cuifen bombarded him with questions after questions.

She was demanding an answer from him.

Why did he have to betray her?! Why did he have to betray their relationship?!

Why did he have to do that?!

As she seeks his answer miserably, Lijun didn't give her a reply instead he cold-heartedly told his men to take Cuifen out from his office.

They forcibly dragged her out from there.

It was the day that Cuifen has gone nuts because of the breaking news of the marriage between her lover Lijun and the rival actress Meilein.