Chapter 31: Secret of founders.

Roulan was left depressed at realizing the whole truth. She wasn't able to handle it in her heart.

While she was having it hard to gather her thoughts, Akihiro held her from the back and comforted her.

He then tried to get the sense out of her, "Roulan, This is not the time to be sad. We will be in a huge mess if the founders come here. Let's hurry to move out"

Roulan's miserable eyes turned to look at Akihiro. She then spoke up in despair, "They killed him, Hiro! It was them who killed him!"

She was then sobbing in madness.

Akihiro's concerned eyes stared seriously at her.

He then grabbed her hands at an instance and forcibly dragged her out from there.

Just as they were about to leave the room, the third young master of the founders gave the hand signal to the minors and gave the instructions savagely, "Kill only one and keep one alive. We need one for the experiment, but who to keep it's all yours to decide"

The minors heed to it submissively, "Okay, as you wish master"

With it, four of the young minors of the founders were deployed for it.

Akihiro and Roulan on the side paced fast from the experiment room.

Just as they were on their way to the elevator, the minors instantly blocked them and stand in the front.

Panicked by it, Akihiro and Roulan looked at the minors with a disturbed looked on their face.

They were intense to see them. While they were in alarm, one of the minors instantly shot Roulan in the head.

Roulan's lifeless body soon falls to the ground.

It was so sudden and fast that Akihiro stunned face turned to look at her bizarrely.

He couldn't believe that the founders would shoot Roulan just like that.

His anxious, troubled eyes stared at her in the emptiness.

Time seems to stop at the moment for Akihiro.

He madly knelt and hold Roulan's lifeless body in turmoil.

Drops of tears keep dripping out of his eyes. He couldn't hold back his crushed heart.

It seems that his world has suddenly collapsed right before his eyes.

Akihiro has gone crazy for real.

He lamented over her death thinking if they didn't have gone to the wrong places, Roulan would have survived and would have happily gotten married to him tomorrow. He was left devastated to see her dead body right before the day of their marriage.

Fate indeed plays a funny role in their lives. The long and everlasting happiness which he dreams of now appears only as a nightmare for Akihiro at the moment.

To think that their children were staying at the Vega working as a special unit for those vicious organisations, Akihiro was left unsettled.

He immediately needs to go back and inform their kids or for the worst, he needs to call his son.

With that thought in mind, Akihiro nervously took out his unit cell and called his son, Shuzo.

Before, Shuzo could pick up the call.

One of the minors shot the medicine on Akihiro's neck making him fall unconscious at that moment.

With it, the minors seize his unit cell and cut the call.

They then clean up the whole mess.

They took out the dead body of Roulan and the unconscious body of Akihiro.

The third leader of the founders, Nathan was standing tall and handsome monitoring everything that has happened.

He smiled bitchily and smirked.

He was very pleased with the quick and sweep, timely efforts of his minors.

While he was reflecting on it, the fourth leader of the founders, Terry come up to him and spoke up in amusement, "Third brother, I just can't understand one thing...If you are to kill them you could have done it already why did you wait till they have seen the experiment file?!"

Nathan smirked at it and replied savagely, "Nothing special, I just wanted to see how the human lady will act?!"

Terry was left speechless by it that he questioned him, "Then....what did you find?!"

Nathan's sharp sexy eyes continued to stare at the screen and replied unfeelingly, "Nothing.. some tears and emotions which we couldn't feel or ever know"

Terry shrugged his shoulder at it while Nathan pats him on his shoulder and left the place.

Even when he walked out from there Nathan looked so handsome and sexy. There is a unique masculine and mysterious aura in him.

He has quite an impressive body proportion and is tall.

His robust chest and muscle were visible even with the white cropped blazer and trousers.

Even though he is an alien, he is indeed a handsome one.

He has a handsome sharp v-line face, tall and pointed nose with sharp but small eyes and sexy lips.

His hair was split in the middle and was in medium length, giving the most handsome elegant vibe.

The only shortcomings are that he is unfeeling. Well, all of the founders are unfeeling beings, unlike humans.

Nathan is the third leader of the founders. The founder is the secret organisation that has created the Special unit and all of the Vega and Furud.

It is the origin and roots of the Special unit.

They keep their faces and organisation a secret from the special unit which serves them various benefits.

One of them is the authority to keep the respect in between the Special unit and them.

With them being far and away from them, they have higher authority over the management of the Special unit and Vega.

Furthermore, the founders of Vega were all youngsters which were around the age of 18 to late 20s.

Because of their young and fresh appearance, they keep themselves hidden so that none of the Special units and the workers would question their identity and their commands.

And the most explosive secret of all, them being non-humans.

The founders are all aliens and the ones which have the real power and authority over the special unit and all of the Vega is the seven leaders.

They are the ones which are giving the commands and is managing the Vega, the special unit and Furud.

Since the founders have seven leaders, the minors of the founders sometimes addressed them by their numbers.

The first leader is called Douglas, the second is Patrick, the third is Nathan, the fourth is Terry, the fifth is Arthur and the sixth and seventh is Xavier and Jason respectively.