That's Cheating!!!

"Running is not in my vocabulary." Ezekiel arrogantly replied.

He then turned around to fight once more, but the moment he turned around to face his opponent, he met the eyes of someone hungry for more blood.

"Sh*t..." Ezekiel swallowed his words back, then ran in the other direction. 

"Oi, oi, why are you running this way!!" 

"Where did your arrogant attitude disappear to."

"Do you have any shame? You're talking so big, yet you are running away for your life in a fair duel?" 

The crowd spread out one after the other, seeing Ezekiel coming after them, with Akkar on his tail. 

"If you want a fair match that badly, then how about we switch places instead?" Ezekiel said coldly to the last guy who talked trash at him. He then grabbed the guy's armor and threw him at Akkar that was rampaging towards him.