
On the other side of the battlefield, the ones in the village are on the verge of falling. Berserk goblins knocked endlessly against the shield wall. 

"Young guardian, it's not the right time to take a break. Fire those arrows like your life depends on it." Elder Jin drew back his bowstring once more. 

As long as he has the strength to pull the bowstring and launch arrows. He will do his job without a break until the walls of the village collapse.   

"Yes!!" A woman in her mid-20s responded as she nocked an arrow once more.  As soon as she pierces an enemy with an arrow, she fires a new arrow. Her desire to survive longer pushes her to do her best and fight as long as possible. 

She doesn't know why she's trying so hard on a game's tutorial. She doesn't even care that an NPC is scolding her. But seeing everyone in high spirit has affected her. She has forgotten the mask she wears in the real world as she feels that nothing is restraining her here.