Dragon's Art

Alex has long woken up from the feeling of her skin burning from the fire and black smoke choking her throat. She tapped Ezekiel's shoulders countless of times, giving him a sign that she was awake. 

However she noticed that her body was not in its optimal state to fight, so she decided to continue pretending to be unconscious. She wanted to catch the enemy off guard, and since both of them learned morse code with their family's military background, she told him her plan while she continued her act. 

The fire around them continues to drop her health to rock bottom. It was only thanks to Ezekiel's healing that she took her time to creating a plan. But after running for so long they are now running out of time. They need to move fast or else Ezekiel's health will also hit rock bottom soon, and he can't heal the both of them simultaneously. They only have one try of catching the enemy off guard, and if they fail, it will truly be the end of them.