Kiter: End (1)

His final week with Kiter came as fast as it should have. Over the course of four weeks, he'd transitioned from learning about different projectiles to eventually becoming somewhat of a sensation all over the world.

"I promised you three weeks ago that I'd teach you archery. There's nothing much to say about that, and I will keep to my promise. Today, we'll start with archery and tomorrow we will continue with it. As long as you're learning that from me, you're not permitted to leave here."

Hugo nodded. "I understand."

"Good. Now, pick up a bow and some arrows."

For once, Hugo felt Kiter was being serious, and that was very rare.

Hugo did as he said and notched the arrow into the bow.


He stared at the bow and arrow and asked in his mind whether Kiter was being serious again. This was the gun situation all over again.

"You notched the arrow into the bow, meaning to say you have an idea and of how it works. So... shoot!"