
The scene was something none of them would forget in a hurry

The wendigo slowly came to its feet

The left side of it's abdomen was ripped open, and it's insides were dangling about

It's head was twisted to one side in an odd fashion, one of it's arm was almost gone.

Where the hand was once attached was now flesh not larger than a manilla rope.

One of it's leg stood straight, while the other was twisted to the back in a awkward manner.

The impact had almost snuffed life out of the lifeless wendigo.

It was a grotesque sight to behold.

Kayla gripped her abdomen and turned the other way to retch out her intestines.

The wendigo had the vibe of an undead that had been sent from the deepest parts of the underworld to wreck havoc on the world.

As they stood at a spot watching, the abdomen began to slowly close.

Fiber and muscles stretched out from the open part of it's body and began to intertwine with each other.