Running out of time

On the next day after the third time he passed for the Dark Zone, it was morning and someone had given him his breakfast to eat. He didn't know if it was a Ridire or not, but at least that meal always came full, different from the others.

His mind was still worn out, but the nurses made everything they could to help him. Also, he had forced himself a lot to be able to talk with Katarina, and it took some time to converse with the other people that would be involved in his plan. With this, he couldn't heal completely.

He was trying to use the morning and all the afternoon at the lockdown to rest a bit more. During this time when he would be taken to the Dark zone every day, he decided to let the workout, the plans, and everything else aside and just focus on his body's health.

However, he could not relax for so long, because someone opened the door of the lockdown. Seeing the green lab coat, Casper supposed that he was a scientist.