Reunion part 2

The Sgails inside that room looked to each other, then for the Princess. They were expecting that things would turn more or less to that course, they just weren't sure. 

The pictures on the walls were showing all the most troublesome cases in which those criminals were involved. Most of them were in places where a lot of people passed by, always causing a fuss, entering and getting out very quickly, and didn't let any hints of their real objectives. 

The last point was the main problem when trying to find out where that secret organization was staying, what were their patterns and next movements, also their goals. They didn't show any solid reasons for what they were doing. It was just a bunch of disconnected actions, that made chaos spread around they passed, but just that.

Besides, the organization's schemes seemed to be very well planned, and a lot of resources were being used, which left no doubts that they weren't doing it just for show.