Unintentional Consequences...

Harry smiles at his Uncles attempt to free himself, he stands up straight once all the candles are lit and leans against Vernon's chair, "You know, Uncle. I really tried to work with you, tried to appease you, tried to be loved... But you never, ever, gave me a chance... No. Instead, you did your utmost to hurt me at every opportunity, even when I've done nothing to deserve it."

"MMMPH!" Vernon's angry muffled voice sounds out, but Harry just shakes his head.

"Oh, don't worry, Uncle. I can understand what you're saying. 'We never wanted you here anyway, freak!' or some such... Well, the feeling is mutual, I never wanted to be here either, and did my utmost to try and escape... But we all know how that turned out, don't we?" he says, sending a harsh glare at Petunia and Dudley, who both looked absolutely horrified.

Harry growls at them, backhanding Petunia and punching Dudley in the nose, "Don't look at me like that! YOU ARE FORCING ME TO DO THIS! ALL I WANTED WAS TO BE LEFT ALONE!" he shouts, his scar burning as his emotions roil in his stomach...

He shakes his head, quickly composing himself. "You that saying? 'Don't bite the hand that feeds you?', well, it's pretty accurate in this case. DON'T BEAT THE CHILD YOU FORCE TO COOK FOR YOU!... It's actually hilarious how easy it was to stuff your fat mouthes with sleeping pills, it helps that you fat fucks don't even bother to chew..." Harry spits.

"The hardest part about all this is dragging you all down here... I make no apologies for the bruises I caused. They won't be the biggest of your problems today anyway." he says, a sadistic grin overtaking him.

"MMMPHHHH!" Vernon roars, as he wrestles against his restraints, only achieving large friction burns on his skin.

"I'm sorry, are you bored? Ok, how about I explain what's about to happen to you... You are all Christian, yes? Good, because I'm going to send you all directly to hell... I'm sure whatever demon answers my call won't be satisfied with just my soul, so I'll be selling yours as well. Think of it like a 'buy one, get an additional three' package."

The Dursley's upon hearing this all do give out muffled screams. Terrified at the thought of 'good Christian folks' being given eternal torment.

Harry nods sagely, "I know, I know. You're excited right?... No? Well, where did you think people who mercilessly beat children go? Who murder people just to keep me here? If anything, I'm just speeding up the process." he says, the Dursley's continuing to struggle.

He sighs, "Fine, if you won't entertain my monologuing, I might as well get started." he says, walking over and grabbing an already bloodied knife. He steps in front of Vernon and looks him straight in the eye, "I want you to watch what I do to your precious wife and 'Duddikins'." he states.

Harry then walks over to Dudley and grasp his wrist, slicing into the underside of it deeply enough to draw blood, doing the same with his other arm. "What? Not too fun now eh, Dudley? Now that your the victim?" the fat boy rapidly nods in response, "Yeah, I didn't think so." he mutters, moving to Petunia and cutting her wrists in a similar fashion. All the while Vernon screams in an absolute rage.

Once he'd finished with the duo, he does the same to Vernon, struggling slightly to cut through the fatty limbs, but does so eventually. The trio's blood slowly flows to the floor, somehow combining with the ritual circle and making it even more prominent.

Harry nods at his work and pulls out a piece of paper, he'd spent quite enough time imagining all the horrible ways he'd end his miserable relatives, so coming up with a personalised incantation was fairly easy.

"Great Gods, Magical Beings. I beseech you, grant me the power to claim my freedom. Curse those of my blood to eternal torment for the wrongs they have committed. In return I gift these three evil souls, along with the soul I possess." he intones, the ritual circle beginning to light up as the flames atop the candles turn a vivid crimson.

"I cast off the shackles of fate that I have been bound with. Reject those that wish to oppress and control me. I beg of you, Great Ones. Grant me this power! Accept my gifts!" Harry continues, the flames getting hotter and hotter. A strange white shimmer that was clinging to his skin which hadn't been visible before suddenly disperses.

Crimson flames begin crawling up the Dursleys legs as they screamed in terror. The stench of burning flesh filling the house. Even as the ropes restraining them burn away, they aren't able to move, simply locked in place as their flesh melts before their eyes, watching each other burn.

Harry just watches with morbid satisfaction, but blinks and suddenly finds himself in some sort of black void... There's nothing around, and he wonders if he'd done something wrong?

After a couple of seconds he attempts to look at himself and finds that he wasn't humanoid anymore... Simply just some sort of white shining orb, though, he spotted a large black tumorous growth on one part of the orb, tainting all it touched to a dull grey colour.


Harry cries out in pain as some ungodly voice reverberates through the blackness surrounding him, it doesn't sound like any language he knew of, and the words themselves seemed to attack his soul directly.

Out of nowhere, he notices a huge black claw extending from the distance, heading right at him. Harry struggles to move his orb-like body but is unable to escape its grasp... Fortunately, he's able to turn his body enough so it grips the tumour instead.

Pain erupts everywhere in Harry's existence as the claw begins pulling at him. Its sharp fingertips digging into the flesh of the tumour, causing black puss to ooze out. Harry fights with everything he has to pull away. He hears some kind of high-pitch screeching as he does so, but he ignores it for the sake of survival.

The battle continues for minutes, but eventually, the claw tightens its grip and starts puncturing the tumour, weakening its hold on the white orb. After a few moments more, it completely tears the tumour away.

The black limb disappears into the distance with the tumour, Harry has no idea what it or the tumour was but decides that it probably wasn't something he wanted anyway... Especially with the grey tainted area, it'd left on the white orb...

The world spins and Harry suddenly finds himself back in reality, still standing within the ritual circle... Something wet rolls down his face, and upon inspect it, realising that some sort of black ooze was dripping from his scar...

He isn't able to do anything though, before a shockwave that only seems to occur inside the ritual circle assaults his body, knocking him completely unconscious.