
Kali had been alive for many, many years. She was a succubus of high repute, and not just because her mother was Queen. Though it was well known she was one of her mothers more favoured children, which gave her some leeway if she ever found herself in a spot of trouble. Indeed, even gods are sometimes enthralled by succubi, and when speaking of the ones willing to summon one? Kidnapping and eternal enslavement aren't out of the question.

Of course, when she felt something pulling at her with intentions to manipulate her mind and apply restrictions to her, she'd been incredibly resistant at first... But, once she'd realised that the pull wasn't all that powerful, she knew it couldn't be from one of those barbaric gods.

Indeed, if she wished, she could ignore the pull entirely and let the summoner die for their arrogance at trying to summon her. But, she decided to take a look at the person responsible before dooming their soul.

She was actually surprised at the origin of the ritual, finding it in a realm that hadn't been entered for many hundreds of years. Not only that, she observed through a spell a young child in the middle of three sacrifices. A look of hope and slight fear on his face as he waited for the completion of the ritual.

She'd been summoned tens of thousands of times before, for various reasons. Most of the time she saw them as annoying chores, but other times she'd allow the pull simply to alleviate her boredom... An immortal life is a boring one, especially in the realm belonging to her mother.

The only entertainment in Exteneros is as you'd expect a succubi realm. Lots of sex, lots of drink, lots of sleep, and lots of sex... Her mother even held festivals a couple times a year, all of which usually ended up becoming gigantic orgies that included hundreds of thousands, and sometimes millions of people.

So, when she spotted the young boy doing his best to summon her, along with the various restrictions he wished to place on her, she almost couldn't resist... Honestly, the ritual stank of 'love' 'loyalty' and small degrees of 'lust', which is likely why she had been chosen.

The various restrictions didn't bother her, as they weren't all that intrusive, instead, jus slowly directing her feelings in certain directions. They could be resisted if she wished, but where'd the fun in that be? The only restriction that she wouldn't be able to break once summoned is the one concerning loyalty.

She'd be unable to betray her summoner no matter what. Though, disobedience was still on the table if she pushed it. Regardless, the idea of slowly corrupting a young boy with potential enough to summon her was far too delectable to ignore.

Besides, if things really did go tail up, she could just wait for her summoner to die and the restrictions to be released. What is one hundred years to an eternity, after all.

Once she was summoned, she was surprised at the state she found the boy in. Not physically, he was fine in that aspect (aside from his body that was recovering from long term malnutrition), no. It was his mental health that struck her as odd. As a succubi she could sense the emotion of others, what it showed from her summoner was just a mishmash of happiness, love, trust, loneliness, hope, and other smattering of various things.

The boy's emotions were peculiar in that they were incredibly fragile, yet hidden beneath a hard exterior he'd obviously constructed to protect himself. She wondered what could cause a boy to do this to himself, but remembered that this child had literally just sacrificed three innocent people in a ritual to summon a demon... Standards of mental health and mortality at this point were expected to be as low as possible. And that was before the side effects of losing your soul started becoming apparent.

Still, whether it be her motherly instincts or the effect of the ritual itself, she decided to take care of the boy to the best of her ability. She wasn't surprised in the least when he almost had a panic attack after they'd hugged one another. His heart feeling as if it'd beat out of his chest and his breathing going erratic.

She'd begun to gain affection for him even before she discovered his most interesting quirk... The child still possessed his soul! Something that was rare even among incredibly powerful spellcasters, let alone a child. The boy was truly unique, and she was excited to see just how far his potential reached.

Though, much to her private embarrassment, she'd gotten much too enthralled with the boy's device called a Gameboy... She'd forgotten to plan for their future journey while trying to level up her Charmander...

Regardless, she was unsure what to teach him first... Improving his rituals? Apprentice level magic spells? Perhaps a trade like enchanting or spell-crafting? She knew the boy would find most things she taught him incredibly interesting, which was one of the reasons teaching blank slates like him was so rewarding.

First things first though, getting a good distance away from this place before the other magical can find and capture them. Her entry into the realm may have been caught on some of their devices, so leaving was in their best interest.