Blood Magic

Kali looks down at the village slowly coming to fruition... It'd been a couple days since she'd 'acquired' her new playthings, and they were slowly becoming one of her favourite toys. In the past she'd never really taken on any servants, this was probably her small rebellion against her mother who had hundreds of thousands of slaves at her disposal... Still, now that she owned some, she could see the utility in it.

The sheer feeling of power, domination, and satisfaction she received at the terrified looks of her toys made her start considering ways to acquire more... She ignored those thoughts however as it wouldn't help Harry in any meaningful way. She managed to persuade him to take on these ones as they would do the menial work in their stead.

To be honest, getting him to accept slaves or 'servants' was far easier than she'd initially expected it to be. She was still wracking her mind on ways to corrupt him further, but she was coming up blank... Most ways she knew of involved torture, torture, excruciating torture, and mild mind magics like hypnosis and illusions... She was obviously restricted from those options due to the rituals imposed restrictions on her, as well as the almost overwhelming sense of loyalty she felt towards him.

She wasn't restricted from 'corrupting' him as she herself didn't consider it causing harm. As far as she was concerned, she was just revealing the truth of the world to her charge, and once he understood it he'd be far better off in the long run.

Kali sighs as she looks at the various buildings her servants had built. They'd used the granite Harry had summoned and cut for them and used it as their roofs and walls. It'd all looked rather boring to her at first, better than the mud huts they'd had before but still primitive looking.

So, she'd given them various 'decorative shapes' to carve into their buildings to add 'colour' to the place... Or at least, that's the explanation she gave them. In reality, they were carving demonic runes enforcing obedience, loyalty, contentment, and satisfaction. Of course, without someone actually charging magic into them they were semi-inert...

Still, just because a magical wasn't charging magic did not mean that had no effect whatsoever. The reason Kali had accepted living here in the first place was due to the leylines running through the place.

Due to the people carving the runes themselves, they'd slowly unconsciously be effecting the residents of the place. Sure there was some risk with them carving the runes wrong, but she'd picked those runes in particular because they wouldn't implode or summon an evil god if carved incorrectly.

She hadn't started teaching them how to manage the magical crops yet as she was still waiting for them to complete their homes. This didn't bother her however as her time was already pretty short, Harry had fulfilled his promise, and so she had to do her part in teaching him Blood Magic.

Flashback :

"Blood magic is the act of utilising blood in a variety of ways, Master... This involves multiple schools, such as Runes, Spells, Tattoo's, Curses, and even most Sacrificial Rituals. In fact, you indirectly used this school of magic when you sacrificed your relatives and the ritual where summoned me.

I won't be teaching all of these schools-"

"What?" Harry cuts her off with a childish groan.

She glares at him, "Don't interrupt me, master... Or I'll have to punish you." she says, revealing a lustful smile that sends a shiver down Harry's spine.

"Yes, Maam..." he lowers his head deprecatingly.

She nods, "Good... Now, the reason why I'll not be teaching all schools is because I simply think they are not worth your time... Spells and Curses, in particular, are of no use to you... I can see it in your eye's Harry, you're thinking 'why can't I use them'." she chides and he nods as that is exactly what he was thinking.

"The reason is simple... You lack the amount of blood requires to actually use most spells. And Rituals can easily take the place of most curses, so specialising in it would be incredibly wasteful. Blood magic spells are usually only used by certain demonic races, you would recognise them in this realm as Giant Leeches, Giant Mosquito's, and sometimes powerful Vampires... Though the latter usually only use other people's blood, and no, you cannot do this as it's a racial magic of theirs." she explains.

Harry pouts, "Is there really no way for me to cast blood magic spells?" he asks, using his trademark puppy-dog eyes on the literal demon.

Kali sighs and shrugs, "Well, my mother did create one spell that would allow almost anyone to cast blood spells, but it is very difficult to learn and quite dangerous..."

"Please teach me, Kali!" Harry pleads, thinking about how cool it would be to use blood magic. Kali continues to look away thoughtfully while giving noncommittal answers. The reason for her hesitance is the fact that her mother had actually created the spell, it's considered incredibly rude and a betrayal if you taught someone's spells without permission.

"Pleease, Kali... I'll do anything you want! Just teach me!"


"Anything?" he asks, the sides of her lips upturning mischievously.

She thinks for a couple more moments before nodding, "Very well, let me show you the method first, and then you can decide afterwards if you truly wish to learn." she states, her nails enlarging as she slashes large cuts into her wrists.

Blood attempts to spurt out but it stops midair and begins forming into long tendrils... Soon enough, one large spike of flowing blood manifests out of each wrist. The spikes hover midair while still being connected to Kali's cuts, it seems as if she's easily able to manoeuvre them in any manner she pleases. "Well" she asks, wondering what Harry thinks of it.

Harry's reaction is as expected however, "How would this help you cast blood spells?" he asks in confusion.

Kali smiles and waves her hand, causing a crack in space to form, it trembles slightly before being wrenched open and forming a wormhole. It does nothing for a couple seconds but Harry is surprised when a small black bear pops out of it. Kali closes the portal and gestures for Harry to observe.

The blood spikes she'd manifested raise up as if they were a scorpions tail about to strike, the stab towards the bear, burying themselves deep into its body. Once inside they undulate, and Harry can see a small stream of blood being absorbed from the creature.

The blood follows the blood spikes, all the way into Kali's veins. He's about to try and stop her but she shakes her head at him, "The spell makes the blood viable during the transfer, no need to worry about blood bourne diseases or your body rejected it... Of course, there is an upper limit, which you should always be mindful of." she says, pulling back her blood spikes which retract back into her veins, though, not before spitting out a large amount of blood onto the floor of the treehouse.

"Remember that your body can only take so much blood, taking too much without casting any blood spells can be dangerous." she states and grins at him, "So, do you wish to learn this?"

Harry excitedly hops on the balls of his feet as he nods, "I do!"

Kali approaches him while waving a hand at the bear which causes it to disintegrate into particles and disappear. "Well, in return I would like one thing..." she says before leaning close and whispering into his ear.

Harry's eyes widen, "But Kali-"

"No, ifs or buts, do you accept or not?"


"Fine." Harry relents, feeling as if what she requested wouldn't be so bad... Maybe he'd even enjoy it?...

Flashback end :

Kali smiles at the memory, at least now she owned some part of her master. She salivates slightly at the thought of it, hopefully he wouldn't be too upset with her in the future.