Wild Magic

"Foci? You mean like staves?" Harry asks while approaching the corpse and nudging it with his foot. During his research on magic, he'd come across many mentions of wands, staves, and staffs that would supposedly boost the magical abilities of magic users who used them. To be honest, he considered having to use them as a weakness and had never asked, nor attempted to acquire one in his travels with Kali.

Kali nods and transforms into her succubus form, picking up the wand and looking it over for a couple moments, "Seems like these are more for utility than outright increasing magical strength... Or perhaps it's only what this man wished for? In my realm, there were artifacts that could allow peasants to fight masters of the magical arts..."

Harry raises a brow, "What kinds?" he asks, curiosity exuding from him.

"Well, the strongest in my realm is a flower that was created by my mother. It contains a part of her power, and has the power to enthral any being in existence... Even gods should they ignore its power." she explains.

"How does that work?" he asks again, wondering how a flower would be used in such a way.

Kali smiles, "Oh, master? Are you intending to acquire and use it on a hapless maiden? You're so naughty!" she teases, causing him to blush slightly before frowning at her.

"Oh, fine. Ruin my fun... The flower produces a sort of liquid pollen that, when enchanted with someone's magic, will enthral anyone that ingests it. Of course, there are limitations to such power, which is why it only creates a single drop per millennia... It is the primary reason my realm has been relatively safe from outside gods, as they fear that my mother might have many powerful people enthralled and unknowingly awaiting command." she explains.

Harry slowly nods, "Do you have a foci, Kali?"

She smiles and grasps the air beside her, causing a strange whip to materialise in her hand. It's made from jagged-looking dark metal and has many vicious thorns decorating it. It glows slightly with dark, malicious energy which almost causing Harry to back away in fear.

"W-what is it? It doesn't look like any foci I've heard of." he stutters out, trying to overcome the uncomfortable feeling the whip was giving off.

Kali unfurls it and performs some tricks with it, as if it wasn't an incredibly deadly weapon capable of killing someone with a touch. "Not all foci have to be traditional staves and the like... As you well know, I am perfectly capable of casting magic without a foci, so I electing to have this made instead... Anything it restrains is vulnerable to my suggestions, making them easy picking for seduction, domination, or even enslavement."

Kali releases a sigh in reminiscence, "Upon hearing of its creation, my mother oh so helpfully named it... In your people's tongue it would be called the Whip of Molestration..." she glances at Harry to see his reaction, but thankfully he wasn't old or knowledgable enough to laugh at her plight.

"That's so cool! Did you make it yourself!?" Harry quickly asks.


Kali momentarily remembers its method of creation and quickly shakes her head, despite how well her corruption of Harry was going, she doubted he'd be unmoved by the fact rape, torture, and massive demonic orgies were necessary. "*Cough, Cough*, now you don't need to concern yourself with that Master... Maybe in the future, we can talk about designing your own foci." she says, changing the subject with a grin.

Harry grins back, not fully understanding her intentions but happy at her words regardless. A moment later Harry refocuses his attention on the mad magic user and holds his hand out for the wand she was holding, "Can I try it out?"

Kali gives it one last glance before shrugging and handing it over, "Sure. Just don't point it at me, these things can be very temperamental."

Harry nods and takes it, raising a brow at the cold sensation it was giving off before whipping it round at the wall behind him. (FYI, I rolled on a DND wild magic table to see its effect lol)

The wand does nothing, but after a moment the tip lights up with fire... However, it doesn't fire out anything as Harry had expected. Kali quickly notices this and wrenches it out of his hand, tossing it to the far side of the room while dragging her ward to the floor.


A huge explosion occurs, causing a roaring fire to burst out and wash over the room. Kali shields Harry with her body, her demonic heritage providing some degree of resistance to flames.

Soon enough the searingly hot sensation ends, and both poke their heads up to see the state of the room, gaping slightly at the melted statue, walls, ceiling, and floor. In fact, the crazy Magic-Users body was also charred black, with the exception of the blindfold that looked completely untouched.

Harry rapidly turns to Kali and looks her over, sucking in a breath at the sight of her slightly blackened back. "Kali! Are you okay!?"

She smiles and grabs him, hugging him to her chest while stroking his hair, "I am, but next time let's stay away from wands, shall we?"

Harry quickly nods in affirmation, and after triple checking that Kali was okay, he gets up and approaches the blindfold, picking it up and showing it to her. "The flames didn't touch it, doesn't that mean it's magical?"

Kali nods, taking it and examining it. "It's cursed." she states.

"But cursed still means magical... Can curses be removed?" he asks.

"They can, but it's a complicated and costly endeavour, especially if the cursed item is powerful. The items magic fuels the curse, making it difficult to pry it away." she explains.

"What does it do anyway? The blindfold I mean." Harry asks.

Kali shrugs, "Without being able to use my magic it'll be difficult to find out... Let's take it back, I might be able to figure it out... Besides, now that the statue is destroyed, the animals outside should have fled.

With their adventure basically done, the duo looks around for anything else of value to loot but doesn't end up finding anything. They leave with only the blindfold to show, as even the wand had destroyed itself in that self-destruction via a self-cast fireball.

Fortunately, Kali's words proved true, as the animals outside had all left, the statue having been the cause of their berserk and enthralled states.