Forced Fights

Harry can't help but swallow his saliva... The sight of Kali combined with her teasing and getting caught showing off to Panya had him bumbling to figure out what to do... Fortunately, or not, Panya saves him from further teasing... For now.

Panya shakes the sand from her hair and looks at Kali, "Lady, your legs are really soft..." she says, looking at Kali's fur.

Kali's face darkens, "Did you know it's rude to comment on someone's hair?" she grouses.

Panya holds herself from speaking anymore, having just remembered her father's warning to stay far away from the 'Demon Lady'.

Kali scoffs at Panya's silence, "At least you know your place." she says as she walks past and approaches Harry. She places a finger on his collar while walking behind him and resting her arms around his neck. "Weren't you supposed to be practising, Master~~" she purrs, sending a shiver up his spine.

"I-I was... But I..." he trails off while thinking about something to distract her... "I was thinking that... I am still far weaker than an average human adult!" he suddenly proclaims, accidentally raising his voice after finding his answer.

"Ooh? Weren't you more concerned with sheer magical power? Why this change?" she asks.

"Because I will eventually find myself in a position where only physical might would help. Our training helps, but I will eventually reach the limit for humans..." he says, not having to make this up as he'd thought about this extensively before. The human limit was always an unseen barrier in his future, one he was hoping to break with rituals... But, if Kali had an answer to it that she hadn't deigned to tell him, he was hoping to hear it now.

She smiles at him, "Master, do you know why I want to train you before we start enhancing your physical abilities with magic?"

He shakes his head and she continues, "Because trying to get used to your improved body would get in the way of training... Once you have mastered what I wish for you to learn, then we can improve your strength, after that, it's only a matter of getting used to your new abilities." she explains.

Harry raises a brow, "Is that it?"

Kali sneers, "No, I just like to see you sweating, master... Well, there is one other thing... Rapidly altering your body while you are still a child could potentially cause... Mutations."

"Like what? Like a third arm or something?" he questions.

She shakes her head, "No... Well, it depends... Most strengthening rituals require components from strong beings. Say, a dragon... If you were to use a dragon's muscles to improve your strength, you might end up with unwanted scales as you grow, or horns... Or maybe even the ability to breathe fire..."

"But isn't that good? Humans are weak!" Harry states, but Kali shakes her head again.

"Your cells may also devolve, and your body may melt into an analogous mess of flesh, somewhat akin to Meat-Slimes. Wait until you finish puberty otherwise you could do irreparable harm to yourself, Master." she explains before glancing at Panya.

"But... If you want to strengthen yourself now, I could come up with some ways to achieve that..." she drawls.

Harry nods, "Let's do it."

Kali reveals a toothy grin, and Harry suddenly gets the impression that he'd made a deal with the devil... Or a devil?...

"Girl, your father's name is Adebeyto or something akin to that, correct?" Kali dismissively asks.

The girl's posture straightens, "Papa is called Adebayo, Lady!... But yes!"

Kali nods, "Take us to him."

Panya takes a cautionary glance at Harry who just nods in response, trusting her newfound friend, she leads them towards the village where Adebayo should be.

Harry doesn't forget to collect the basket of flowers she'd brought him, though, Kali crooks at brow at him in response. "Awe, are those for me, Master?"

"No! They are for the umholi, lady! Not for you!" Panya calls out from the front. This of course causes Kali to glare at her enough to receive a scared squeak.

Harry shrugs at his succubus companion, "I was thinking we could devise some poison from them... I'm not too sure though." he admits.

The trio walk through the village as the tribesman makes way, Panya eventually skips toward Adebayo who picks her up in his arms while anxiously looking at Kali. "D-did my daughter do something to offend you, lady?"

Kali grins maliciously but ignores his words, instead electing to push Harry forwards, "I wish for you to fight my Master." she states, getting wide eyes from everyone nearby, as well as Adebayo.

He looks wide-eyed at her, "And die to your magic? I have a responsibility to my tribe and daughter." he refuses.

Kali shakes her head, "No magic, no weapons... Just strength and skill... But, if you're too afraid to fight a child..." she trails off while glancing around antagonizing at the rest of the tribesman.

"Why?" Adebayo asks, not seeing the point of this.

"My master wishes to increase his strength... What better way than fighting those stronger than himself?" she states.

Adebayo looks down at Harry "Is this true?"

Harry nods unsurely, knowing he's gonna get the shit beaten out of him. Without magic or weapons, he stood no chance at defeating Adebayo, who was older, stronger, and had much more experience in this kind of brawling than Harry did.

"You will lose Harry! My papa is the strongest!" Panya giggles from Adebayo's arms.

The man himself was cautiously weighing his options... If Harry gets hurt he had no doubt that Kali would kill him, but, he couldn't refuse... Refusing Kali's orders was a dangerous gamble, he'd already seen one of his more belligerent tribesman get flayed alive by that Demon's whip. He had no wish to experience the same thing, or for his daughter to witness it.

"But injuries are-" he starts but Kali interrupts him, "Are inevitable, I will treat any injuries either of you receive."


"Very well..."