


The sound of the many mundane locks of the large metal door unlatching sounds out, causing the sole prisoner inside to stand from his seated position.

He was old, thin and weak, with thinning hair, harsh wrinkles, and for some reason, a creeping, morbid smile on his face. He was missing many teeth from deficient dental care, and his old body ached with disuse, even then however, his bright blue eyes shone with power.

"I knew you'd come... I sensed everything happening below, I just wonder whom has visited me first." the man asks in a low rasping tone... Only, his expectations were quickly expunged when he looked upon the person entering his cell.

"A boy?... No, you aren't just a boy, are you?" he grins as he flexes his hands, the only part of him that'd kept their strength despite his imprisonment.

Harry tilts his head at the strange man, "Who are you, and why do they hold you as their most valuable and dangerous prisoner?"


"You don't know me? Why are you even here then...?" the man asks in sheer disbelief... This boy had apparently attacked the prison and eliminated all the guards, for what? If not him then what else was there?

"I'm asking the questions old man, you will answer them. Or else." Harry growls, he wasn't worried about the man at all as these 'Wizards' had displayed how useless they were without their Foci, without a wand this old man was just that, a frail useless human.

The man shakes his head, "I'll not lower myself beneath an arrogant child who doesn't even know who he's speaking with!" he raises his hands to perform wandless magic, only to freeze in place as a dainty grey hand wraps around his wrist from behind him, the creature had somehow snuck past his senses.

"Foolish move, little man." Kali sneers and proceeds to crush his forearm.

The man grimaces but retains his composure and goes thrusts his left hand at the woman, blasting a powerful short-range telekinetic blast.

Kali tilts her head to the side and dodges it before collecting the man's unharmed arm. "What's the phrase, 'Can't teach an old dog, new tricks'? Learn your place!" she growls as she snaps the limb in her grasp, causing the man to finally let out a pained shout.


"Now, you will answer my master here, or I will start taking pieces from you." she threatens with a fanged grin.

"Y-you don't scare me, creature. I have looked death in the eye more times than I can coun-"


"AAARRGH!" he screams out again as Kali crushes his lower right leg with her foot, bringing the man to his knees.

"Speak now!"


Kali, now beginning to lose her temper, manifests her whip to enslave the man with it, but Harry holds a hand up. "Wait, let me remain quiet. I recently learned a ritual that will make him regret his silence."

"Are you sure, master? I could easily have him singing for us."

"I'm sure. I'll never learn anything if I have you do everything for me." he says with a small smile.

Kali nods, "If you wish... Will your ritual require him whole though?"

"No, I don't think so, why?"

"Because this human is quite magically powerful. Let me make sure he'll never be able to harm you." she states, her whip bursting into vicious-looking flames before it wraps around the man's arms and legs. A curt tug later and his limbs fly off, his wounds instantly cauterized.

"AARRUUUUGHHHHH" the man's eyes almost burst from their sockets due to the pain ripping through him. He'd experienced the bite of Fiendfyre before, and the fire the creature had just summoned was somehow worse than the magic devouring flames.

He lands face first onto the floor, unable to prop himself up as a mere torso, immediately vomiting from shock.

"Hmph, where's your pride now, weakling." she sneers.

Harry kicks the man in the side of the head, knocking him unconscious, "Did you collect the other prisoners?"

She nods, "In stasis and ready for transportation, master. Good thing we had those prisons beneath our home prepared in time."


A day later, Harry could be seen slowly stepping around in a circle while leaving a trail of blood from the large surgical cut along his inner forearm. He hummed quiet hymns as he did so, occasionally drinking a potion to restore his lost blood until he finally completed the ritual circle.

It wasn't a pentagram as you'd expect from dark magic such as this, instead, the insides of the circle were decorated by strange spiralling symbols that brought to mind old Celtic artwork.

Harry seals his cut closed and carefully steps from the circle while sipping a potion, "Have you gathered the materials I asked for?" he asks Kali who'd been waiting at the side.

She nods, gesturing to a nearby table, "The eyes of a condemned man, the tongue of a liar freshly cut while conscious, and a blade soaked for seven hours, seven minutes, and seven seconds in a girl's first blood." she lists off, chuckling lowly at Harry's wrinkled nose.

"Why that last one is even required, I have no idea... How did you get it?" he asks, immediately regretting vocalizing his curiosity.

"I've been keeping track of the tribesman under our employ, wasting valuable resources is not and will never be my intention. I have them keeping us appraised with any changes to them or things around them, the first blood of their daughters is but one of those things."

Harry crooks a brow, "I didn't know that... At least you aren't asking them to keep themselves 'pure' for us." he says, quickly noticing Kali's grin. "You didn't..."

"They are ours, master. It's our decision how we utilise their innocence."
