The Day Before Encounter

His world went dark,'Am I going to die?'

Yoshimura immediately closed his eyes, he didn't wake up anymore, his breathing was still normal but ....

A girl nearby was crying, her tears streaming down Yoshimura's face.

Although he touched her intending to wake her up by moving her body a little, it was useless... Yoshimura couldn't open his eyes anymore....

As soon as it was felt that this desecration was completed by eating one victim, several members of this deterrent gang began to run to hide themselves, as much as possible they went out of school to skip class.

"Oi wait!" some male disciples who couldn't bear to see their heinous behavior at the time were about to prevent her from leaving school by chasing her but, it was too late!

Several teachers have finally intervened since seeing that there were victims of this seriously injured disfigurement.

It is said that there used to be the first victim of defiance, a girl named Mei and was hit by a mental attack, she had rarely entered school and in her class she was often mistaken for a ghost once she returned to enter.


The health teacher immediately called an ambulance, and while waiting for the ambulance to arrive, several school medics bandaged Yoshimura's wound on his head to the bleeding, so as to prevent a lot of blood from escaping.

Yoshimura was immediately rushed to the hospital.

It was the school that would be responsible for this transfer boy who was considered quite unfortunate. But, a girl who had been rescued by the boy intended to help him alone, she and her family would be responsible for her recovery.

For fear of taking another victim, the homeroom teacher tried to call the parents of the students who were the current victims of the bullying to give her daughter an understanding to always be careful of them (the bully gang) and tell her to stay away from her. The school also gave an explanation intending that later the parents would not misunderstand the behavior of the bullies. The teachers had actually warned him but, to no avail either, especially they had no right to expel them from this school.

Indeed, it is common for the gang to always bully smart children and also transfer children, the reason is only one is to seek sensation and want to be recognized that they are the most powerful in the school.

What's more, one of them was the principal's grandson....

They couldn't help but laugh at it.

The principal this time could not stand idly by once there was already a second victim of de-encroachment to the point of being seriously injured. If only the child who was bullied died, who else would be blamed if it wasn't the principal?

Actually, bullying can be as long as it is not outrageous in terms of for example mocking to motivate others or in terms of fighting forces to become strong but, this action of his grandson has been missed! It's no worse than the actions of thugs.

Starting tomorrow, his grandson along with the bully gangs were given the punishment for not coming to school!! He also warned that if they are caught bullying again, they will not go to class! This time he gave decisiveness!

The principal had also considered this behavior of his grandson to his child, and they agreed. So far, his grandson has indeed lacked supervision from his parents.

What a wayward grandson!


The principal also tried to see the condition of Yoshimura, who was currently still lying weakly in the hospital with the help of an oxygen hose, he hoped that this transfer boy would not die. He prayed from in his heart and pleaded with the creator while stroking the bandaged moving boy's forehead.

The sweet girl who felt responsible accompanied him to fall asleep nearby.

The head teacher came with his parents, and of course the parents of the girl were teary-eyed to see her child who looked fine there, "Thank goodness...." Said the guardian of the male student who slowly stepped closer to his son who was fast asleep near Yocchan.

The female student's guardian, aka her mother, followed her husband to step up and stroked the head of her child who looked fine.

But, the girl immediately woke up as soon as she felt the touch from both parents.

Of course, as soon as she turned her head, the girl immediately hugged both her parents tightly....

She is a very fragile girl who yoshimura seems to deserve to protect.

The day after the incident....

Yoshimura wasn't aware yet....

She is a stranger in this city but, a man who is her guardian is willing to accompany her since yesterday, while the girl is no longer waiting for Yoshimura. She has been home since the evening with her parents, and in order to take care of her fear when she enters school again, she is allowed not to enter school for 1 day.

Now Yoshimura is only accompanied by a man who looks like a father and apparently he is the rented owner in Osaka. Then a few moments ago came an acquaintance of Yoshimura and the rented owner, his name was Mr. Toushiro.

The reason why Mr. Toushiro came to the hospital to visit Yoshimura was because he was the father of this friend of his son. Mr. Toushiro actually had a child named Fukube who at that time he suddenly became ill. His house is not far from Yoshimura's rented house and he was the first to introduce Yoshimura to the rented owner.


That day, when Yoshimura first moved in....

During the 2-hour train ride from Tokyo to Osaka, Yoshimura, who had been asleep, began to wake up. He had already seen from the glass of Osaka's window with his still faint narrow eyes....

The area there is already different.

He knew, he was not in Tokyo anymore.

Perhaps soon, he will soon arrive in Osaka and precisely at Shin-Osaka where the Shinkansen stops.

Slowly his faint eyes began to open with the body wriggling with his hands up while yawning. It was already getting noon and there were only a few minutes left for him to arrive.

Why is it that Yoshimura has almost arrived in Osaka instead of thinking about all of them in Tokyo? Even though he already wanted to forget those days that felt annoying.


Yoshimura just wants to live as normally as possible.

He has plans to live in a remote area or a small town outside the city that is not so well known in order to hide his identity.

He felt that his mediocre and memorable face would be hard for someone who had seen him for the first time.

Before getting off the carriage, Yoshimura exhaled a long breath with his lazy face, he was so uneasy, from now onwards....

And starting today....

This is the day when he should be able to survive on his own, and he wants to find his new identity.


As soon as the train stopped, he lowered his right foot from the door of the train car that was already open in front of the station. Looking at the vastness of the blue sky in the spring in his heart he said, 'Yes, this is my new life!'