In the Other Hand, When He Was Gone

Meanwhile in Tokyo, at Yocchan's school… the health teacher who had been guarding the UKS panicked when he found out that Yocchan was no longer in the UKS room. Of course he panicked and was shocked hysterically, to the point where he wondered... where is this Yakuza child? Was he just pretending to be sick? The window is also open.

The health teacher immediately ran and reported the case to the homeroom teacher and principal. The class leader who was believed to be Yocchan's eye witness explained the previous incident before Yocchan left the UKS.

The homeroom teacher immediately informed the two bodyguards who were guarding Yocchan outside the school but, from the looks of it, it was clear that they both didn't know where Yocchan was now? Even when calling his cellphone, it doesn't connect.

"Could it be… he ran away from school?" said the class president who expressed his opinion with a worried face Yocchan as his classmate.

"Try calling big boss!" asked one of Yocchan's bodyguards. He thought that if Yocchan ran away, he would definitely go home. The Yocchan they thought was a gloomy kid who couldn't possibly go far from this city.

So contacted the big boss who was Yocchan's father.

"WHAT!?" a high-pitched voice sounded loudly on the phone, it seemed that the man who was the big boss immediately got angry when he heard Yocchan wasn't at school.

Yocchan's father felt that his son must have been kidnapped by someone from another Yakuza group. Even though the child became the heir to the organization later....

A few minutes later, the two bodyguards were sent home.

Of course Yocchan's father was angry with them both for not being able to take care of his child. No mercy! They were fired right away. While his wife was immediately shocked to hear that, and she fainted in front of her husband.

Ayanya Yocchan also blamed the school for not being able to educate their children properly because there were still some school thugs who attacked their children as the girl who was Yocchan's classmate said.

The girl who was the class president also wondered, where is Yoshimura Kodame right now?

Yocchan was innocent, he didn't attack anyone else but he was the one being attacked, the school didn't seem to really care about him either.

A few minutes later, as soon as the wife of Yoshihide Kodame aka Yocchan's father woke up, she cried in her husband's arms ... what a spoiled wife but, she didn't want the child who was the heir to the Yakuza family organization to leave like that. She immediately asked her husband to look for Yocchan.

But ....

When he felt that his son was no longer in this city, he thought that his son had run away from out of town. Yoshihide Kodame and his wife needed to cool off for a moment. It could be that this child ran away because of his own will....

'Am I not good at educating him?'

'Do I have a fatal flaw that it can't fix?'

'Is what I gave Yocchan not enough so far? Neither treasure, throne, nor affection....?'

'Yocchan, why don't you tell us what you really want?'

Yoshihide got teary-eyed when he reached for the photo of his elementary school child who was smiling brightly and still cute. Of course it made all of them in the house sad without Yocchan's presence.

Yoshihide finally discouraged the school, which he felt was incompetent, from conducting a search. Let him look for his son alone.


Where are you, Yocchan?