An Oddity in the Room Part 2

Just then, the door shifted and someone gasped for breath.

"...?" Yoshimura, who was still looking at the dusk from behind the window, became suspicious, the panting was not a nurse. He hesitated as he turned his head towards the sliding door of the room.

However, there is nothing wrong with making sure the person who comes to his room is.

As soon as Yoshimura turned his head, he was somewhat surprised by who this human figure who had come into his room was.

"You ...."

Apparently not someone Yoshimura had been waiting for came to this room.

"Oh!" however, that person also seemed a little surprised when he looked at each other with such a face at Yoshimura.

"...?" they looked at each other in astonishment for a long time, once a man about his age slowly closed the door to his room.

"Yo-yoshimura, how are you?" he asked for sure.

"A-ah, Iori, well~ I'm already fine." Yoshimura replied a little nervously.

"O-oh, I see, sorry I left you while dropping off Fukube." Said the young man who then stepped closer to Yoshimura while scratching the back of his head.

"Oh, no problem." Yoshimura said with a straight expression for a moment.

"Why do you seem a little unsure about that?" Iori asked as he looked at Yoshimura who was emitting an aura of doubt in his heart.

"No, I don't think anyone will see me." Yoshimura said in a slightly sad tone.

Meanwhile, Iori, who is now the only friend who is visiting him, tries to put on a faint smile while lightly patting Yoshimura on the shoulder who looks pathetic so he won't be too pessimistic like that.

Iori tried to reassure Yoshimura not to worry too much about his arrival because he didn't bring anything.

"Oh, yeah, when I wasn't here (meaning in his bed, when he went to the toilet), did you come in here?" asked Yoshimura to confirm with that flat expression. He asked seriously about this.

"Ha?" while Iori who was asked such a question immediately answered in surprise and his expression flat also looked at Yoshimura.

"Eh," Yoshimura also felt strange with Iori's surprised response. 'If Iori just looks at me like that means he wasn't the one here earlier, then who was that noise just now? The door shifted slightly but, nothing changed?' thought Yoshimura who couldn't believe that it was the work of an invisible creature.


"I just arrived, really." Iori answered seriously, "Where have you been?" asked Iori to confirm again.

"Is that true?" asked Yoshimura to confirm again.

"Yeah," said Iori, nodding his head which meant he wasn't lying about his arrival to the room where Yoshimura was being treated.


"Why?" Iori asked again.

"No, I was…." As soon as Yoshimura was about to talk further, Iori cut him off.

"Where have you been?" Iori asked with an astonished expression.

"Of course I'm still here too, but I'm in the toilet. It's been a while but, I heard a strange sound in my room like rustling in this room, and the door shifted." Yoshimura explained with that dry expression. He was telling the truth and was not making it up.

"Ah, really!?" of course Iori responded with a somewhat disbelieving expression.

Then, Yoshimura lowered his eyelids and his eyes narrowed slightly when he saw Iori, "That's right. do you think what i said is a lie?

"Hmm... you're a stranger here anyway." Iori muttered as he raised one of his hands and pressed it to his chin.

"Uh, why?" asked Yoshimura with his innocent expression.

"It's fine it's just, you don't think that's weird, do you?" Iori asked to confirm.

As soon as Iori had asked that question, Yoshimura lowered his head with an uneasy face, "Time! But, there's no way it was-" and as soon as Yoshimura woke up his face was about to turn to Iori again, suddenly....

"Eh!" lol why? Iori disappeared from before him.

'Iori?' Of course Yoshimura got a little goosebumps.

Initially, this Yakuza child is not afraid of anything when it comes to humans. But, if it's supernatural, of course he can also feel the hairs on his neck stand up until the cold feels gripping the back of his neck.

Iori escaped his sight.

Because Yoshimura found it strange that Iori had suddenly disappeared from before him, he tried to turn his head in the opposite direction and thought it couldn't be all ghosts!

The fact is that in all hospitals there must be a haunted place but, Yoshimura became a bit strange that he who was the new person was teased by the ghost of this hospital because he was accidentally admitted here.

If what Yoshimura thought was true?

Then, he tried to turn his head in the opposite direction where his neck was cold and goosebumps, it turns out!



What actually happened? Is it true that there is a ghost in this hospital?

To be Continued