Looking for Opportunities to Talk Part 3

"Fuaaaah~" he had time to sigh tiredly with sweat pouring down to hold himself to defecate earlier.

Too bad the opportunity to talk to Kisaki was missed again because he suddenly had a stomach ache, he thought did he eat wrong, huh?

Besides that ....

It seemed that it would take a little longer for him to get back to class, the break that he should have used to talk to Kisaki had now been wasted due to the sudden feeling of heartburn.

He looked down restlessly....

His plans to talk about the oddities of the night would continue to fail to say, 'Can I talk to him without any further disturbance?'


Meanwhile, when Kisaki who is now in class and returns alone....

The gazes of the girls in his class looked strange when they looked at this beautiful girl. They also gossiped something about him. There was no end to the girls in his class gossiping about him....