Dating Simulation Part 5

When Yoshimura who was asked by Nagisa didn't answer, Nagisa immediately turned to Yoshimura with a surprised look, he looked up at Yoshimura's face beside him.

Yoshimura couldn't hide his admiration. So, it's like this, huh, when you go out with that girl? Then, Yoshimura turned his gaze the other way so that his red face wouldn't be seen by Nagisa, "A-ah, yeah. I want a photo like that too." He answered in a flat tone while scratching the back of his head.

"Then where's your phone? I took a photo." Offer Nagisa sincerely. But, seeing Yoshimura who then looked at him blankly when Nagisa turned around and took a little distance to look at him.

"Eh?" Nagisa wondered why Yoshimura didn't answer and didn't even take out his cell phone. However, when he glanced at his room earlier, there was his cell phone....

"Yocchan?" asked Nagisa in surprise that tilted her head.