Ask to Akari

This world is filled with laws and regulations.

There is a rule in this world where a child must not oppose his parents, or he will be affected by the law of karma from his parents even if that is not the case now.

-Yes, it will happen someday-


Yoshimura, who felt that he couldn't clean up the mess, now only sat in front of the customer he had served before.

"Why can you eat this calmly in such a precarious situation?" asked Yoshimura in such amazement while propping his chin as he sat for a moment while watching the customer in front of him eat the food he ordered voraciously.

"Because I'm hungry." The answer is short.

As he answered with that blank expression, Yoshimura looked at him lazily and said, "You didn't come here on purpose, did you? After all, have you improved so much that you can eat this much food?" asked Yoshimura worriedly.