There is no Safe Place Part 2

There was something he had to check to make sure Yoshihide didn't throw up any more, or else...!?

Namely, the account money that he has given to Yoshimura's passbook, hopefully his father who can still be said to be loving doesn't block his bank account.


He rushed out at night wearing his black jacket, and his head covered by the hood of the jacket, heading to the nearest ATM. He still didn't dare turn on his cell phone to check his m-banking.

'Yoshihide has already moved to look for me, what should I do this time?'

'Should I leave this town or should I embark on a further journey?'

But, deep in Yoshimura's heart, he really didn't want to go anywhere for now. He already feels comfortable here, especially there is someone who is now his idol. Uncertainly, she was just close to him but now he has feelings for her and doesn't want to leave her.
