New Power Part 4

"Hiring a spiritual user, huh...?" he muttered as he supported his chin with one of his hands. He thought about it first.

"How? You want it, don't you? But, I'm not forcing it anyway, it's just that your great ability needs to be developed." He explained to make sure again, "Especially the spiritual users there are kind and diverse, can increase knowledge as well as relationships there..."

Sounds interesting, really! Yoshimura thought but… "Hmm, actually I doubt it too, is my ability really that great? I think it's enough just to have this ability, that means I can protect other people especially my friends...." He said it honestly that the ability he has can't be said to be great but, by having that ability he just wants to protect the people around him especially the girl who is his idol now.

"Oh, you're a kind person, huh~" Himeko complimented him as soon as Yoshimura said his goal after getting that power.