He's my Destiny? Part 3

"Yoshimura want to buy what?" Kisaki who asked.

"Hmm, what did Kisaki say, anyway. Just come with me. Didn't Kisaki want to buy a burger earlier?" asked Yoshimura to confirm whether Kisaki's desire to buy a burger still exists?

"Yeah, but, if you think it's far enough..." Kisaki answered in a lazy tone.

"But, come on! I want to try! It's okay, right, Yocchan?"

"Um, yeah, no problem, really. Come on!"

And now they go hand in hand again.

As soon as they arrived at the front of the burger seller, Yoshimura immediately ordered it. What Kisaki likes is beef burger but, this time Kisaki is paying for it.

The seller also immediately made it and he said luckily the two of them came here at the right time it turned out that the burgers were almost finished because it was late.

*Eh~ time flies fast enough! It was already late afternoon even though it was only 3 o'clock.