Looking of Attitude

That afternoon....

They made an appointment at the Shitennoji temple to watch the Tanabata Festival. The reason why they come here is because of several places in Osaka, this temple is the most visited by many tourists. This temple is the oldest official temple in Japan, founded in 593 by Prince Shotoku Taishi, he is a public figure who introduced Buddhism to Japan. It is said that in the past this temple was named Shitenno which means the four heavenly kings of the Buddhist tradition who protect the world from evil.

Even though this temple has existed for hundreds of years, there are still crimes that occur there, whether it's crime, super powers, or spiritual abilities, everything is still going on but not as bad as it used to be. And it is said that the temple, which has a long history, most of its buildings have been destroyed by fire and have been built several times until it stands today.

*Hmm, fire! Could it be related to Yamaguchi?