Something be Active in the Dark Night Part 6

"Tch! Damn this power is not enough!"

The attack was launched! Everyone was already exhausted and didn't have a bit of energy to get up again.

The situation was now unbalanced, if only one of them moved even if they had the remaining strength, it would not be enough to incapacitate them. Even Yotsuya who still kept his strength who was currently carrying Fukube maybe, not even a lump of sand would be enough to withstand that attack.

"Goodbye! O you all...!!" shouted the enemy so confidently.

Within Yotsuya's slightly conscious Fukube's heart said, "Tch! It's endless. If only there was someone else left who still had the ability..., it's very likely that Kisaki would be able to fight him... or maybe this is my guess wrong...!? He's a monster!!"

"Ah~ you guys could be the next one!"

In their hearts they said, 'What do you say next?'