Not the Expected Person

'Of course… my intention is that when the festival has ended, I'll be back here for a while. But, ....'

"Yes, Akari-san, I will be back to work tomorrow!" said Yoshimura, smiling so kindly.

"Eh, tomorrow? Not now!?" asked Akari who was surprised, she thought that now she would work but, in fact, it turned out tomorrow.

"Yeah, really! I'm working tomorrow. Well~ I'm going to be lazy for now." Yoshimura said so honestly.

"Oh, I see, all right." Said Akari who didn't really mind it.

Finally Akari immediately prepared some ingredients for selling, and Yoshimura tried to go to the supermarket to buy some ingredients for food at his house.

There was no Koutarou nose in the supermarket. That means he really can't go back there yet.

The ladies who once served Yoshimura are nowhere to be seen, where is he...?

This Yoshimura who was doing nothing felt empty, there were some things that seemed to be missing from within him….