The School Fest Begin! Part 7

A few minutes later, the food was ready and Haruno quickly served their orders, placing them on the table. The aroma of these smoky solid balls is so appetizing and makes your stomach feel like you want to eat it right away.

'Special takoyaki from Meiro's shop,' he could only think in his heart while looking intently at these dense balls that were still smoking.

After Haruno placed his order on their table, he immediately went to deliver another order.

"Come on, let's eat!" Kisaki exclaimed with a cheerful smile.

"A-ah, yes." Yoshimura replied with a bit of hesitation and was filled with nervousness that his hands were trembling slightly when he was about to hold the chopsticks. 'Special takoyaki, huh.'

*Eat special Takoyaki with special people!


"Yocchan is not lacking, just order one?" Kisaki asked, making sure with a slanted look that looked sure that Yocchan who ordered just one special menu would definitely be lacking.