Welcoming Winter...

When autumn is almost over, entering winter, the temperature in Japan drops dramatically, the humidity is very high and often causes dew to fog in the morning.

Seconds of welcoming winter, many people outside the house are looking forward to the snow. Fukube is no exception, where snow always falls on the day of his birth.


"Fukube, want to go?" asked Takizoe to his son who left early in the morning for school. As winter approaches, there is also preparation for promotion exams, so Fukube sometimes takes advantage of his time to study at the library for a while.

"Um, yeah." Fukube answered briefly.

"Don't forget to bring an umbrella too!" cried Takizoe warning him.

"Eh? An umbrella, huh?"

"Yeah, who knows if there will be rain or snow. You can't just rely on your coat for protection." Obviously. Takizoe really cares about the safety of his son.