Your Life Path Is Yours! Not Owned by Others!

"Listen Yocchan, you are indeed a descendant of the Yakuza. The Yakuza blood that is burning in your body cannot be extinguished by the coldness of the ice in the sea, ah~ this is just an example. That's his trademark." Kanna casually said that.

"But, you don't need to be as identical as possible with your father, you don't need to be as brutal as him, you also have your own path to tread. And, you also have something you like that we shouldn't be able to hate. You've been obedient so far I've proud to have a child who is not difficult to manage like you. But, your life is yours, you are free to determine your future."

His mother's words made Yoshimura's heart tremble, because those words didn't show that his mother was limiting her son's activities. And prove his mother was not too disappointed in him.