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"One form of precognition is premonition, which is a feeling or impression that something will happen (a hunch). Usually, the event that is felt will occur in the form of a terrible or unpleasant event. Many people report that they often experience this…." Fukube instead gave a further explanation and did not give a significant answer to the question Yoshimura asked earlier.

Yoshimura, who never got a definite answer with his curiosity, looked at Fukube with a lazy face.

"Jyaa, what's it like then?" Yoshimura still asked for clarification and then he added another question, "Is Kisaki's ability in question a kind of deja vu?" he actually asked to confirm this.

"Hah~" Fukube sighed, "Precognition is generally different from Deja vu which is an illusion or a feeling that you have previously experienced the event you just experienced."
