Kisaki's Memories Part 3

Soon it will be New Year's holiday, and at that time Yoshimura has plans to visit the shrine with his friends who are in this club room. The tradition of visiting the shrine is called Hatsumode.

Every year in Tokyo, Yoshimura always celebrates this tradition with his extended family, complete with bodyguards who accompany him. They flocked to the temple to pray to the god. In accordance with its understanding, Hatsumode is the first visit to a Buddhist temple or Shinto shrine at the beginning of the new year in Japan. The visit was made to pray for peace for the new year. Hatsumode is also called hatsumairi. Nowadays, people start to do hatsumode after the seconds turn of the year. So, even before the end of the year or on the eve of New Year's, people are already lining up in front waiting for the gates to open since Buddhist temples started ringing the new year's bells (joya no kane).