Chapter 2


Early Morning.

Kro rushed to the hospital after receiving a call that Loro had collapsed. She found the doctor with another patient, so she waited. She had been with Loro ever since she was a little baby. She watched her grow into a girl, a woman and finally a granny she currently was. The thought of losing her was something she couldn't digest.

It was the day of the interview too. Her phone kept ringing and ringing each minute. It was Sue calling, the marketing director of the company. Kro had no choice but to answer. 

"Morning, Miss Kro.", Sue spoke, impatient.

"Hi Sue. I'll be late today. Loro is in a hospital, so I don't think I'll make it to the first stage. I'll be there around 11 am, alright?",

"Sure boss. Take your time.",

Kro hung up.

The doctor was now free. Kro quickly entered and took a seat. The doctor already knew Kro. He opened Loro's file and handed it to her.

"Kro, Loro needs to rest now, you know what I mean?", said the doctor.

"Don't say that.",

"Her heart is too weak. Installing another battery would be useless. She won't last a month.",

"So, you want to take it out now? Can't we just wait?",

"We can, but Kro, Loro's in a lot of pain and she's old. Right now, she's being tortured by her own body. The only thing we can do for her is lifting that burden off her back. It's time to let her go.",

Kro had been losing people close to her each year for more than 5 centuries. She never got used to it. Saying goodbye was the hardest thing for her. Loro was the one person who lived longer than anyone else, and that was after Kro forced her to get a pacemaker when her heart problems began 30 years ago.

And that year, unexpectedly to her, she was about to lose her too.



It was the most exciting day for her. She was going to interview for her dream job at her dream company.

Misaki was a 26-year-old sweetest girl anyone could ever meet. She had short, straight bob hair and a tall, slender body. She was so much into gardening that her house resembled a little Eden.

She had a scarry birthmark on her cheek which she never wanted people to see. So, while applying make-up, the area around her cheeks was where she concentrated much, making sure it's concealed.

"Let's do this, Misaki. Let's get a job on our own.", she hyped herself up.

She dressed formally in a simple black suit, small diamond earrings and a simple gold watch. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled.

"Now this is an interview success look!",

She left.



Kro slowly opened the door to Loro's room. Although she was facing the other side of the bed, Loro knew it was Kro who walked in the room. She had the most unique scent.

Loro turned to face her. She was wearing an oxygen mask, IVF bags next to her bed. She expected that look on Kro's face, a very sad but jealous look. Kro sat in bed and gently took Loro's hand.

"How lucky you are, sweet darling.", said Kro, looking at Loro the way a mother looks at her baby.

"I guess you finally accepted to let me go.", said Loro under her breath.

"It sure isn't an easy decision. I hope you'll rest in peace. It feels good that I fulfilled Poqo's wish to take care of his family. I'm sure he's happy wherever he is.",

"It's been an honor serving you. You've been my mother, my sister, my best friend and my boss. I know how hard this is for you. But please, when I go don't be alone. Look for someone to take care of you. Make sure you eat, and make sure you keep your calm even when people remind you of the past.", Loro emphasized.

Kro heaved a sigh, "I'm jealous. Death comes to you so gracefully; you don't even have to try. Look at you dying as if it's a gift, while some of us don't even bleed. Our hearts have stopped beating for centuries. I'm like a walking stone.",

"Don't say that Kro. You're perfect. Everything happened for a reason. Your time will come, and you too will leave this place.",

"When is that? Another 500 years to come?", she rhetorically asked, knowing the answer to that question in depth.

"You'll be alright, Kro. You managed to take care of our family for a lot of centuries. This will be nothing",

"Tell Poqo that life without him really sucks.",

"I will.", Loro smiled faintly.



Ukraine arrived.

The final beginning of his mission. He looked super smart in his killer black suit with his hair tied half up, half down.

He entered the waiting hall. There he found floods of individuals, each one busy cramming the questions and answers. It frustrated him that he was supposed to mingle with people in that room. He flickered his gaze for a perfect mingling buddy, and that's when he saw a bob-haired lady who sat alone. He approached her.

"Good morning.", said Ukraine.

Misaki looked at him. She wasn't expecting anyone to sit beside her and talk to her. Everyone looked competitive.

"Good morning.", she smiled.

"I'm Ukraine",

"I'm M_",

"MISAKI AKESHI, DOLLY FARGO, UKRAINE SONG and GABRIEL CANE! Enter the interview room now!", the secretary shouted the names over all the noises as she stood outside the door of the interview room.

Both Misaki and Ukraine stood up and entered the room, followed by the other 2 candidates.

There were 4 empty chairs before the interviewers' table. The candidates sat politely. The interviewers were 3; 2 men and Sue. There was one empty chair between one man and Sue which showed that one interviewer was not there.

Sue, the MD, a curly haired lady in a white pantsuit officially began.

"Welcome. We want this interview to be as comfortable and respectful as possible. Let's all take a deep breath and introduce ourselves.",

"I'm Misaki Akeshi, 26 years old and a university graduate with a degree in cosmetology and marketing.", Misaki introduced herself first.

The interviewers nodded and looked at the next person to Misaki.

"My name is Ukraine, I'm 26 years old _",

His introduction suddenly got interfered by someone entering the interview room. All the eyes turned to the door, and Kro walked inside. The air carried her unique scent to all the noses in the room, making them imagine a wonderland.

While the interviewees didn't know who she was, the interviewers did. They all stood as a sign of respect until Kro pulled a chair back and sat down first. They all did the same. Sue took the wheel again.

"I'm sure only a few of you might have guessed. She's the president of Century Cosmetics, Miss Kro.",

Ukraine swallowed a nervous gulp. She looked exactly like in the photos, nothing changed. She had no wrinkle on her skin, no sign of surgery and no any sign of a freak. She looked like a normal person, a serious young woman who made his confidence run low the moment she sat in front of him.

"Sorry I'm late, where were we?", asked Kro as she observed the files of the 4 people now seated before her.

"Mr. Ukraine was introducing himself.", answered Sue.

"Oh, please carry on, Ukraine.",

Ukraine cleared his throat and began.

Kro watched him carefully as he answered the questions. He nicely presented himself, even the arguments he formed made sense. He made her very curious.




The whole market left a way for their army to pass. They cheered so loud for them for the great job they did protecting their boulder. While every soldier was on a horse, Kro was on a horse of her own, Poqo's back. They called Poqo the giant due to his height and physique. He was Kro's right hand man, her ride or die. He was the best in sword fighting, but Kro was the archery master which gave birth to the nickname 'Targeter' since she never missed.

General Qin waited for them at the palace's entrance gates. He looked so proud of his army, but mostly proud of Kro for being the best captain despite her gender. She had on a fine leather armor and tied her hair up with a famous red cloth. Most girls who aspired to be like her tied their hair the same as a way of manifesting their dream life.

The army stopped at the palace gates and got off their horses. Kro got off Poqo's back. They knelt before the general.

"We're back general. We're back with the victory we promised you and the king.", said Kro with her head bowed down

The general proudly grinned,


The whole army cheered.

Kro got up and looked at him. The general walked closer and gave her a strong hug.

"You keep making me the proudest dad, Kro. I'm very proud of you.",

"Thank you, father.",

General Qin let her go and looked at Poqo, who was now waiting for his ear to be pulled out by him. He approached him.

"Where are your horses?", the general asked, aware of what they did to them already.

Poqo quickly looked at Kro, catching her sneaking away while blowing him some good luck kisses. In return, he gave her an 'I'll kill you' glare.

"You always sell your horses and come back piggyback riding with her! Next time, you'll go to war on foot, and come back on foot!",

"FORGIVE US, GENERAL! IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN!", shouted Poqo, knowing exactly that they're going to do it again next time.



Green house.

Kro sneaked behind Kenna and covered her eyes with one hand. Her other hand stayed hidden behind her back.

"Guess who?", asked Kro, excitedly.

"Who else? It's you, Kro. I can smell blood all over you.", answered Kenna, the general's second daughter and Kro's younger sister.

"Blood? But I showered.", said Kro, letting Kenna go and sniffing herself.

Kenna quickly turned around and hugged her.

"I was kidding.", she chuckled.

Kenna and Kro had the most opposite personalities, making it hard for anyone to even believe that they were sisters. Kenna had the longest red hair in the kingdom, her eyes oceanic blue. She was not a talkative girl. She just enjoyed being beautiful and attending to her gardens. From the top of her head to the ankles of her feet jewels jingled. She was on top of every man's wish list in Azaradan.

"Congratulation captain, for another victory. Dad is so joyful.", said Kenna.

"I just met him. Thank you, beautiful.", Kro looked around, "So, another garden huh?",

"Yeah, but one thing is missing.",

"Let me guess, butterflies?",

"Exactly. How did you know?",

"We're sisters, remember?",

Kro removed her hand from the back, revealing what she had been holding. A small aesthetic cage surrounded by green leaves and lilacs was in her hands. Inside it were 6 butterflies of different colors and patterns.

Kenna almost exploded out of happiness. She took the cage and released the butterflies.

And she was right. They were the fish to the ocean. The whole scenery of the garden changed. It looked heavenly!
