Chapter 6


As Buk, the crown prince, headed to his father's quarters, he kept practicing his lines. He wanted to have a very serious talk with him, something he'd never done before. He had no one around him, he enjoyed walking alone without any guards or maids, everyone in the palace knew that, but it was about to change.

He found his father reading reports, he had to wait for him to finish first. He still sat before him, hoping the king would speed up his reading and pay attention to him sooner. But he was his father's priority, so the king didn't hesitate to pause the reports process and focus on his son,

"Buk, tell me son", said the King, folding the report and putting it away,

"I want to ask you for something father. I'm sure you'll be surprised, but I beg you to grant my wish", humbly, he spoke

"What is it? Tell me anything",

"I need _ a guard. I need someone to stand beside me as my shield",

The king was taken aback. He couldn't believe what he just heard. He'd been forcing his son to walk with guards for years and he refused, but right before him that moment, his son begged,

"Buk, I'll give you the strongest men we have to guard you_",

"No father. I just need one",

"Alright son. One strongest man it is",

"I know who I want already",

"Who is he?",

"It's a she", he took a deep breath, "I want Kro to be my guard",

"What?", King Bukka was confused, he leaned forward to hear more clearly.

"She protected me from the robbers who were about to kill me on my way to the palace. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be here today", Buk explained himself, trying so hard to convince his father

"But she can't do that. She's already the captain of the army, she can't leave her post to come and walk around with you. Can't you choose another one?",

"Forgive my boldness father, but I only want her. If it's impossible then I'll leave the kingdom again and go live alone, somewhere safe. Azaradan has changed father, it's not the place I left 10 years ago. Right now, crime is like our language, so if I can't have a guard, it's better if I leave",

"Buk, you can't do that. It's almost time for you to take the throne. Do you want strangers to wear my crown?",

"I could ask you the same thing",

The 2 men stared at each other, both trying to stick to their words. The king knew exactly what would happen if Buk decided to leave again. He knew his days were numbered and he had to crown his son the king before his death. His son's condition on the other hand was the tough part. He couldn't understand why he chose her

"I'll give you what you want son, but only if you give me the answer to my question", said King Bukka after working his brain for a while

"What is your question, father?",

"If I sent someone else to escort you that time, would you be doing what you're doing now?",

"No, I wouldn't", he answered, certainly.

"And what made you decide to have her as your guard?",

Buk confidently looked up at his father, the king,

"The reason why I kept moving from village to village was to look for a place where I could be free and safe. I've never felt safe in the palace, I've never felt safe anywhere I went, but for the first time in my life, I felt safe when she was next to me. Father, I feel safe around Kro, that's my answer",

The king's lips slowly curved into a smile. His eyes defined pride for his son. It convinced him to see that his son knew what he was doing. He could finally see a king in him.


Present Time


President's office

Ukraine kept looking at his watch, counting the seconds to lunch time. He was eagerly waiting for that break to have a conversation with his boss. The text message from the previous night still repeated in his head, he needed to get it out as fast as possible.

They heard a ding sound, the sound which alarmed all employees in the building of a lunch break. Uk quickly got up and rushed to Kro's desk. Still typing something in the computer, Kro heard his footsteps approaching. She paused,

"I'll have what you'll have", she said, her hand reaching for her handbag to get her card,

"I'm not here to take your order, ma'am", said Ukraine,

Kro slowly returned her hand back on the table. She looked at him,

"And what is it that you want?", she asked,

"I just _ I need to ask you something if you won't mind",

"I'm pretty sure I'll mind, but go ahead",

Uk swallowed a nervous gulp,

"I want _I need to know how you found out I had sushi last night",

"Oh, you had Sushi last night? Me too", Kro answered, calmly

"Miss Kro, look, I know I'm your assistant, but things like what I eat, who I'm eating with or where I'm eating at, I'd appreciate it if you give me some privacy. Let's keep it formal, I'm kindly asking", he said, his hands anxiously clasped.

Kro remained looking at him. She had no clue of what he was talking about. But looking at his face, she knew he wasn't playing a prank on her, or any game, she could see that something really happened, and he really meant what he said.

She nodded,

"Okay Ukraine. I won't interfere with your personal life, you can go enjoy your lunch now", she said,

"(Pheew) Thank y_",

"But I really don't know why you think I'm interested in your personal life. As far as I know, the last conversation we had was when you and Misaki left for your dinner plans, so, why do you think I knew you had Sushi with her?",

"Because of the text you sent me",

"I sent you a text?", she asked, her tone showing precisely how surprised she was to hear that too, "Show it to me",

Uk took his phone and scrolled to the text. He gave the phone to Kro. The moment she read it; a short laugh came out her mouth. That was the first time Uk saw her laugh in real life,

"So that's why he couldn't reply", she gave him back the phone, "I wrongly sent it, it was supposed to go to someone else. Just delete it, I'm really sorry",

He didn't know where to hide his face.

Everything in the room was awkward, but that was before the door fell open suddenly and minister Akeshi walked inside with his assistant. His bodyguards stood outside the door, as if he owned that building.

The smile on Kro's face died immediately. Akeshi just crossed the first line.



The marketing team was having lunch together. The table was all laughs and stories, Misaki really enjoyed that time the most. She was having the time of her life right before one employee walked in the restaurant in a rush. She sat down, catching her breath first. Everyone looked at her with curiosity in their eyes,

"Guys! Minister Akeshi is at the headquarters!", Kara finally managed to speak,

Misaki was shocked. She suddenly dropped the fork she was holding. She was afraid of that day the most. Although she never accepted it, she knew her father might do something crazy once she got a job for herself, and it was about to happen.

"Excuse me everyone", she took her purse and flashed out of the restaurant.

She had enough. She wished to just have wheels instead of feet.


President's office

Kro stood in front of her desk, arms crossed on her chest, giving the minister a tense stare,

"I'm here, Miss Kro", said minister Akeshi

"Yeah, I can see that",

"Just like you wanted, right? Isn't this what you expected when you gave Misaki a job here? I came to return the favor",

"If you're here to thank me, I'll let it pass. But you surely don't look happy for her, making me wonder why you approached me in the first place",

Ukraine stood next to her, not knowing what was happening, but feeling like being there.

The minister snapped his fingers, and his assistant opened the briefcase he was holding. The money she refused was untouched, cash worth 10 million still rested in the case. Akeshi took one bundle, removed the rubber band and without even thinking twice, he threw it in her face.

"TAKE IT! DIDN'T YOU GIVE MISAKI THE JOB JUST TO GET BACK AT ME? WHAT? YOU WANT MORE?", yelled Akeshi, he took 3 more bundles and kept throwing them at her, as if he was tipping a stripper.

No one was expecting that, not even his assistant. Ukraine's hands curled into fists. He was almost walking to the minister when Kro stopped him. Unfortunately for the minister, Loro was no longer present, there was no one to extinguish the fire which was already spreading inside her.

She slowly walked towards the minister, stepping on his money as if they were worthless pieces of trash. Her face said 'run', but unlucky for the minister who couldn't take the hint. He stood like a statue,

"I am the minister of Knnew Republic, if you lay your finger on me_", he couldn't finish his sentence as Kro's finger was already on his chest.

Kro poked him on his chest and Akeshi lost his balance, he nearly fell to the floor. She wasn't laughing or smirking, she looked contemptuous. As the minister took steps back, she took steps towards him, and when they were close enough, she grabbed him by his collar and pulled him closer, as light as a bag of air,

"You_ you don't know wh _ what you're putting yourself into!", trembled the minister,

"And you don't know what I'm capable of, Minister Akeshi", said Kro, drily,

Ukraine rushed to Kro and pulled her back; he was not ready to see her dark side yet. He stood between Kro and Akeshi, his whole body facing the minister now,

"With all due respect, sir, please leave the office before something serious happens", he said,

"She assaulted the minister first", claimed the assistant,

"We have cameras in this office, and he was the one who threw money in her face. We can report you for many things. So, how about you plan a day when we can solve this peacefully?",

Akeshi fixed his suit. His forehead was coated in sweat, everything about what happened almost made scream. His face was almost tomato red from the anger he had after the embarrassing defeat from a woman.

"I'm going to destroy you!", growled minister Akeshi, furiously before they stormed out.

Uk quickly turned to Kro, but he wasn't expecting that look on her face. She looked disappointed in him.

"What? I tried to manage the situation", he defended himself.

"Do you think it got managed? No, it just became worse. I'm already used to being approached by shitty men, next time don't try to pull me back",

"He's a minister of this country What if you hit him?",

"People like him don't deserve a warning or respect, what they need is a good beating", she heaved a sigh and tucked her hair behind her ears, "Weren't you going for lunch? I need to be alone, please go", she started walking back to her desk, "And call the janitor to come clean this up",

Ukraine nodded and got out of the office.

As he leaned at the door, he could feel his chest finally relaxing. He stared at his hands which held Kro's shoulders without fear. He couldn't understand where he got the courage to pull her back and why he couldn't feel what he felt when he held Kro's hand for the first time.

"Was I just _ worried about her?", he couldn't help but wonder.
