Chapter 22

Marketing Department

"Uk, I have to get this call, if MD asks for me, tell her I'm on an urgent call", said Misaki as she pulled her chair back, ready to walk out,

"Yeah, sure", casually, Ukraine responded

Misaki quickly walked out of the office, heading straight to the ladies' room, her phone still ringing. Fortunately for her, there was no one inside, making it easier for her to talk in peace. She finally picked up,

"Leo, you know it's working time here, why are you calling me?", she began speaking as soon as the phone rested on her right ear

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't wait for the day to end", unapologetically, Leo said over the phone,

"What is it?",

"Are you free tomorrow? I called you now before you make any last-minute plans with your friends",

"You're so slow", she chuckled, "People make weekend plans from Monday, I'm sure you didn't know that",

"But my heart tells me you haven't made any yet, which makes you free tomorrow",

"Why? You want to hang out with me?",

"Yes, I do",

"You already know where you're going to take me, right? I hate guys who ask me to choose where I want them to take me, I love surprises, the only detail you're supposed to give me is the time",

"A woman who knows what she wants, I like that",

"I am",


Sue got to Misaki's desk, a little surprised to find her absence. She was holding a folded paper in her hands, which looked like a task she wanted to give her, but since she wasn't there, she had to give it to someone else, especially the one whose desk was closer to hers.

"Ukraine, where's Misaki?", asked Sue, her eyes still flickering to see if she can spot her anywhere,

"She went to take an urgent call, why?",

"I wanted to send her to Kro's office, but she's not h_",

"I'll go! What do you need?",

His excitement took her aback a bit, in a positive way. She never expected him to look forward at anything Kro related, but he was currently on his feet, already fixing his shirt, ready to go that second.

"Well, I want you to give her this paper. Tell her it's the actual date the production team expect the new products to be complete and manufactured, so she can begin talking to all store managers about the release event", said Sue as she handed him the paper,

"I will do that, anything else?",

"No, that's all",


Ukraine pushed his chair forward and walked out of the department office. He was looking forward to seeing her.

The secretary was already informed about Ukraine stopping by, so when he arrived, she just allowed him inside.

All eyes turned to the door when Uk was getting inside, and Kro's lips curved into a perfect smile. Karina's gaze became fixed on him from the first step he took till he got to Kro's table and placed his butt on a chair. He looked very calm.

Ukraine gave the paper to Kro and watched her as she unfolded it and read the information written inside

"It's the actual date the production team will finalize the making of the new products", he aided her with the information,

"Perfect time, so I can start planning the event with the managers, right?", asked Kro,

"Yes, that's exactly what Miss Sue said",

"Great. Good job, I almost forgot I owe you guys dinner, when will it be? Next week?",

"Yes, but speaking of dinner, do you want to have one with me tonight?",

"Mh, not today, I'm busy",

"This weekend then",

"Busier, I won't even be home",

"Are you avoiding me boss?", he teased her,

"Why would I avoid you? You're the one who avoided me when I offered you dinner the first time", Kro scoffed,

"Ah, c'mon Miss Kro, you should forget about that. I was just _",


He couldn't help but laugh at himself. It was embarrassing but also funny to think about it,

"Okay, you win", he got up, "Now, have a nice day, and a nice weekend. If you need anything just tell Miss Sue and I'll be of service",

"Sure, will do",

He had to rush out of the office and get back to work. If that was a lunch break, he sure wouldn't have left her office.

Karina's eyes escorted him out, intensely, then carefully glanced back at Kro whose mood now looked brighter than before. It was another episode of confusion.



It was now 10 minutes to call it a day, nobody actually working at that time. It was always chatting, fixing makeups and everything unproductive for the office.

Misaki had her ear pods on, watching her favorite series from the phone, all her concentration being on the screen.

Ukraine was busy putting his things in the bag, waiting for the office alarm to go on. He was almost done with the task when Misaki suddenly grasped his hand like shock, startling the hell out of him. One look at her and he became concerned, her eyes displayed worry. She looked like she got struck by the most terrible thought.

That look right there scared him,

"Hey! Are you okay?", concerned about her, Ukraine asked, letting her hold his hand if it meant making her sit still,

"What if my father's apology was a distraction?", she began,

"Why are you saying that?",

"There's no way he changed that easily. What if he wasn't satisfied with what his men did and sent 'Karina' to finish Kro slowly?",


"Hear me out, I think he aided Karina's recommendation",

"Hey, calm down first. We can't be so sure_",

"Okay, let's say Karina lied about her CV, but why lie about working for minister of Archeology? Why not mention other ministers, why him exactly? Maybe she wasn't lying",

"Just a coincidence maybe. I doubt she's dangerous, Karina's just a fraud",

With a heavy sigh, she let go of his hand.

"Maybe you're right, but I still have to be sure", said Misaki,

"So, what? You're going to confront Karina?",

"No, I'm going to ask the minister",

There was no point in stopping her because she was going to do it anyway. Everything she said made an extreme point. He didn't worry about Kro getting hurt because she wasn't going to. It was the thought of Kro's secret coming out.


Parking lot

Ukraine walked to his car. Upon reaching, he was startled to find Karina leaning on it, arms crossed on her chest. His legs suddenly halted, he couldn't take another step forward. Questions swirled in his brain.

Karina stood up straight when she finally saw him. She wore a creepy smile,

"Hi, Ukraine. I was waiting for you", simply, she said,

"How did you know my name, and how did you know my car?", asked Ukraine,

"That's not what's important",

"I can call you a stalker, but with your sophisticated looks, that name will sound very offensive",

"Quit playing games, Ukraine, I know you know me, and my name. So, let's save the intro for later, right now there's something I want to hear from you",

"We're not that close to hear anything from each other, can you step away from my car, please?",

He walked right past her, heading for the door, but Karina followed him.

"Don't you have better things to do? Because I do", he said, annoyed,

"Ukraine, I need you to tell me everything you know about Kro",

Not expecting to hear that from her, he quickly turned back, finding her standing a few steps away from him, making him even more uncomfortable

"Excuse me?",

"What exactly is she?",

Words suddenly seemed to have chocked Uk!
