"Why do you want to know?", asked Ukraine, disguising his startle with a smile.

It came as a surprise to him when Leo suddenly asked about Kro, but there seemed to be more about that question from how Leo glared at him. Ukraine knew of the closeness between Leo and Kro and thus made him wonder what Kro said to Leo to make him reach out for an interrogation.

"I have every right to be concerned about Kro because we're family." Leo explained "And I also have the right to warn you."

"Warn me? You came here to warn me?",

"Yes. I'll say it once; if you have any ulterior motives towards her, you better stop now. It's for your own good",

"Or what?",

"Oh no, no Ukraine, I won't do anything." he shook his head, "It's Kro who'd do something about it. As a person who knows Kro more than anyone in this life, I'm just hoping that you have pure, harmless intentions",

"I have to correct you, man. I don't and I'll never have feelings for Kro. I'm just a friendly person. I always want to make friends with people I like. As you said, my intention towards Kro was to make her my friend, nothing more nothing less",