Chapter 39


"I'm sure it was a hard decision to make Ukraine", Sue said sourly.

Ukraine had already handed his resignation letter to Kro's secretary and was bidding his farewell to the marketing team. He was disappointed not to find Kro in the office and there was nothing he could do about it. He was now in Sue's office, other members of the team waiting for him outside.

"To be honest with you, I really want to stay", he confessed.

"Then stay. Why're you quitting? The team needs you; CC needs you Ukraine",

"I made a huge mistake. Kro won't tell you about it, but I disappointed her big time. I can't let her see this face every day, I don't want to cause her much pain",

"Well, she's not alright. You saw the video, right?",

"Yeah", he nodded,

"Because of it, nobody applied to be her PA. Everyone says she's responsible for the death of her PAs, and fear has already spread throughout the country",

"Oh no",