Chapter 47

That's a wrap! A perfect rainy night in the city.

The event had ended successfully, beaming employees colored the room. Each team had gathered up for a relieving toast, and the louder one was the marketing team. Sue popped open the bottle of champagne and poured in each glass. They were the happiest.

"A toast to Icy gloss being sold out in 1 hour",


They toasted and drank.

"Hard work really pays. My parents called after seeing the event going live on TV, they're really proud", exclaimed Josh.

"This spirit shouldn't die, let's keep it up!", added Sue.

They all agreed with her. There was nothing more satisfying than seeing your sweat being appreciated. Misaki realized now that CC is where she belonged.

"And guys, why did no one tell me that Ukraine and miss Kro are dating?", asked Kiara, awakening the gossip mode.

"I don't think they're dating. From what I saw, it's like they have feelings for each other", said Josh,