We've gone back in time!

Out of the rolling Thunder clouds came a purple bolt of lightning.

The purple bolt of lightning danced across the clouds as gracefully as a swan would do in a lake but one could feel that this streak of lightning is a fierce existence that should not be messed with.

The bolt of lightning roamed around the sky of London with excitement. It had been a while since the bolt of lightning had been out so it was amazed at how far the mortals had come.

The bolt of purple lightning realised that it hadn't tended to the task it had originally been set to do.

Realizing this the bolt turned around and look at the Ritz hotel.

It compressed itself to the size of an atom and then ... released!

This caused the bolt of lightning to shoot faster than the speed of light getting to the hotel in an instant.

Once the bolt of lightning stopped you could see it's true appearance. It was a serpent that had scales made of purple lightning and eyes that had a clock face instead of pupils. the hands on the clock ticking as if telling everyone the universe was 1 second older.

This serpents name was Tribulation, the Judge of Heaven, Lord of Heavens partner.

The reason why Tribulation was here was because Lord of Heaven asked him to come, intrigued about which people would be brave enough to swear upon his heavenly name.

As Tribulation needed a bit of exercise she agreed.

One might ask, why would the Lord of Heaven ask Tribulation when he could order her?

Well let me tell you a few facts about her species:

1.They can only hatch when she bonds with a partner.

2.Their relationship as partners are a equal one.

3.They can communicate with their species and partners through telepathic communication.

4.Once bonded they share every thing, lifespan, strength and power. If one.of them has strength the other has the same. If one of them dies, the other dies too.

So Lord of Heaven can't be arrogant around her as she has his life in her hands and she is a s strong as him!

Tribulation observed the two mortal that were laughing their heads of with amusement.

In her head she thought, 'Let's hope that you two are good people other wise...'

She had struck down a good number of people trying to defy the Heavens back in her day...

As these two people are mortal she decided to judge them based on their personality and whether they are good or bad people.

'If they're good enough I might..' she thought happily.

Her eyes flashed and the hands on her clock eyes reversed 1 full revelation and then returned to normal.

What Tribulation did was check their past and future. It wasn't known how she did it but what she saw was grim.

Tonight when Shaun and Dan were going to go back to their room they decided to have a tequila shot contest.

In the middle of it Dan has a heart attack because of a underlying health condition being aggravated by the alcohol and he died crying in Shaun's arms.

Shaun cried himself to sleep, grieving, but got assassinated in his sleep by assasins sent by Thousand Eye.

How unlucky.

After seeing their life, Tribulation felt great pity.

But soon she cheered up as she remembered something.

She muttered something in an incomprehensible ancient language and fracture in reality formed.

An illusionary realm of light was shown to the world.

Pitch black eggs the size of an adult human torso floated out and after they did so they fracture in reality healed instantly.

These eggs were of her species and her children. They haven't hatched as she hadn't found anyone suitable for them but now she could rest in peace knowing that two kind souls were going to look after them.

She looked at the eggs lovingly before she turned them into streaks of lights and sent them to make a bond with the two men.

Both men passed out as soon as the light hit them.

'At least this will keep them away from death for a while' she thought.

Her thoughts drifted to the artificial world that the mortals created. She was astounded about how mortals made the world as artificial worlds would take immortals eons to make and they would never share them like this.

She decided that she would look at Limitless and report back to the Lord of Heaven

She glanced at the unconscious bodies of the best friend duo that was now shrouded in black fog indicating the merging process has started, once more before deciding to head out to New York, America. This is were the headquarters of Era is located.

She compressed herself so small atoms could be considered planets to particles that size.

Once she released her presence disappeared from London reaching New York in an instant while the storm clouds tried to follow her

What she didn't realizes that a fracture in reality formed and sucked the young adults up and healed as quickly as it came!

Due to the mortal world not being strong enough to handle such release of pressure this happened without her realising it!


Shaun and Dan did not see the dramatic scenes that just happened.

All they saw were the clouds come from nowhere but they weren't worried and continued laughing.

Soon enough they saw a streak of light and were forced unconscious.


New York University, 00:00, room 54.

Shaun woke abruptly and tried to sit up but banged his head on the top of his university bunk bed.


University bunkbed? Shaun was very confused

'I'm nearly 30 years old. Why would I be in university' Shaun thought.

A similar situation was happening on the top bunk for a certain trickster named Dan.

instead of getting of lightly with a bumped head he fell to the ground.

"Karma!" Shaun giggled. He was very happy about how his friend got what he deserved.

"Uhhh," groaned Dan. He wasn't very happy.

Shaun, now finished giggling about his revenge, turned on his Touchless.

Touchless was one of the inventions of Era. It was a watch looked like an ordinary watch but it was actually a hub to the internet and functioned like a phone.

Once you turn 10 you can choose to implant a chip into your brain so that you can use the Touchless series.

Touchless was a main stream device nowadays so it wasn't surprising that he had one.

The way it worked was that you think 'On' and it would be on. You use your mind to navigate it.

He asked for the date and a surprising answer greeted him,

[The date is October 11 2029]

The Touchless replied promptly like always.

Shaun looked at Dan about to tell him what he found out but Dan was about to do the same thing.



"I think we've gone back in time!"

"Yeah I think so too," Dan replied excitedly," ten years back as well!"

"You thinking what I'm thinking?,"

"Yep!" Dan replied very quickly, "Let's make good on that vow!"

The first thing both of them did was take a shower as they just woke up.

The next thing they did was write everything they new about the game in order so that they wouldn't forget.

Obviously Shaun new more than Dan but he still did help.

Their next step was to figure out what to do first.

"Dan, let's get into the hidden closed beta!"

" What, you think we'll get in?" Dan replied in a nervous tone.

"Of course, remember what our synchronisation rate is!" Shaun chided

"Oh yeah!"

What Shaun was referring to was the hidden closed beta of limitless used to test the game before the launch for bugs.

Era kept it a secret for their 10th anniversary, when Limitless launched.

In Era branches all over the world there is a virtual reality pod in the building.

It is hidden very well to not spoil the surprise for the world.

Kind of like a Easter egg hunt.

Once you find the pod you will be handed a disclosure agreement so that you don't go bragging about to everyone that you tested a new piece of Era's technology.

In the test they run a few simulations for you to complete to check your synchronisation rates and if the results are good enough you are eligible to join the hidden closed beta.

Obviously the two's monstrous synchronisation rate would her them in.

Once you finish the test and get confirmation of being eligible for the hidden closed beta you will be given a ranking.

The ranking would be changing over time so you will get notifications on your Touchless if you have gone up or down a place.

After the final day of testing the final ranking would be posted.

You had to complete the test before the 25th of October but that wouldn't be a problem for Shaun and David.

Their university is quite close to the headquarters anyway

Depending on your ranking you would get a iron, copper, bronze, silver, white silver, gold, dark gold or platinum lucky wheel to use when the closed beta started, which was the 31st of October.

The higher the rarity the better the items that you could get but at the same chance rate.

The closed beta would end on the 25th of December.



"Do you know anything about the game?"

"Aside from the common stuff, nope."

"Why did you make me take that vow then if you had no information on the game, huh?"



"I guess we'll start from the basics, huh."

Shaun decided after some consideration to give a crash course on Limitless for his poor naïve friend as, weren't they going to dominate it?

(Auxiliary chapters have the Crash Course on Limitless)


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