Shocking Information and Rewards

Whilst the room was still taking in this shocking information, Andrea tried remedy the situation by placing another bombshell on their heads.

"The reason for this is that the concentration of energy, otherwise known by players all over the world as Exp, in the main limitless world is 10 times higher than the beginner Islands Resulting in faster leveling speed.

By reducing the amount of Exp in the beginner islands, we are giving players more time to develop connections with each other and NPC factions as these two factors will be absolutely priceless when a wave of players enter this new world.

The NPC's don't know about the arrival of players like normal games do, so there would be alot of dispute concerning how to organize them or purge them. So making connection with NPC factions and each other as players will help stabilize the situation as players would be hopefully acting together as a group rather than a split entity. Any questions regarding this subject?"

Andrea, after making this long speech finally opened her eyes, pretty impressed about how she explained the situation but was greeted with 6 very dumbfounded faces.

These people did not realise the meticulous planning that this company had gone through to make this game. They soon woke up from their stupor, each realise the same one thing.

This game is going to be a pillar of society.

Shaun and Dan, though living in a timeline infinitely similar to this one, were absolutely shocked with how deeply thought out Era's planning was for a game.

Without waiting for them to ask her question Andrea proceeded to explain more and more about the game that instantly shook their world view on games.

The second thing that she told them was that the big and powerful factions inside the beginner islands were actually only branch's of the originals. She did not stay on this topic very long and only briefly explained the beginner races that they choose.

She also explained about the 4 main NPC Organizations and how they're very small branches of the main organisations, like comparing a twig to a thousand year old oak tree trunk, incomparable.

She then went on to explain the basics of the game in detail but did not explain too much about the continents and their ruling powers.

"Normal players once they exit the beginner islands they will have to be stripped of their items to ensure fairness but will keep 3 skills at random with them to not bring to much hate to this game.

I have explained everything that I can without destroying the games balance, after you recover from the information dump I will begin to tell you the rewards.

Andrea finally allowed these young Adults time to assimilate the information that they heard.

Shaun and Dan were shook.

The world that they had spent 10 years in was just the beginning! Now they were even more motivated to explore the new expanse of world that was, Limitless. This conversation did really teach them that the game was limitless. Once you thought that you new everything, a new variable comes and destroys your calculations.

They both looked at each other at the same time, not even needing to communicate to know what to do once they leave.

The rest of the people in the room, excluding Cloud and Andrea, were memorising and sifting through the contents of the information with absolute concentration so no one was talking for a good fifteen minutes.

"Now that I have explained to you the basics of our game, let me tell you about the rewards that we are giving to you, seperate from the hidden beta rewards." Andrea said calmly.

"Wait, rewards?" Alaric was confused because he didn't know anything about rewards.

Andrea went to proceed to explain thee reward roulettes in the hidden beta, cursing to herself about how sharp this man was. This was supposed to be a surprise for everyone but she just HAD to run her mouth.

"Now as I was saying, let me tell you about the reward we are giving you.

We are giving you a total of 6 rewards to you:

-Total Character Customisation

-Ancestor skills


-One unique profession and skills.

-1 customised lifebound beast.

-Unique race

So let me explain each reward individually. The Total Character Customisation is self explanatory, you can change your facial features, figure etc.

Next is Ancestor skills. As a precaution we are removing your characters ability to gain classes. Instead we are giving you the ability to pass on specific skills in the form of classes to 5 individuals.Each time you pass on specific skills you will be able to pass on only 5 skills to each person but you may change 2 of the five skills each time you pass on a skill.

Your level will determine the grade of the Class passed on, but the class grade can evolve with your level, if certain conditions are met.

In general, passing your skills to others, NPC, or player is like getting disciple. They are your closest subordinates so use this opportunity well.

Next is the FOC, which stands for Formless Organisation Creation. Before I continue it is probaly a good time to explain to you that when you get into this new world, you will be treated like normal NPC's as you will be assuming the life of a lost orphan. This will let you bypass the prejudice of being a player.

Now back to FOC, as you don't have a lot of help from the player interface and the powers of various countries you will have the FOC, this will not be available to any other group of players so use it wisely.

You will be able to create a fluid organisation but you have to sort out everything from how to build it up to all the material to help it stand on two feet. The only good thing that you will get out of it is the freedom aaaaand. A 25% higher chance of those under your leadership not betraying you for material possessions.

There might be a few things that I have not mentioned but, time is of the essence.

Next is one of the most game breaking things we can give you for free.

Unique Professions"


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