The Tower of... (1)

Whilst the recruits were conversing with each other Shaun brought Dan and Robert to the side.

"Bro, what's wrong. Did you get into trouble finding some of your recruits?" Shaun, though feeling Dan's sincerity, felt a vein bulge on his head.

He breathed deeply, suppressing the side of him that believed Dan was looking at him in contempt.

He put on the worst fake smile he had ever put on and spoke, "No, can you tell me exactly how you got so many people to 'join our cause'?"

This was what he wanted to talk about.

He was livid that he couldn't get as many people as his comrades to join them.

"Well I found it quite simple, I simply asked, offered to take in their family and they agreed. But their family turned out to be a whole orphanage!" Robert replied.

He hadn't got any of the intended people but he found a man who he saw potential in. He offered him a job and he accepted, as long as he was allowed to bring his family.

It was quite a big family! He also came across the same situation with a woman!

Dan spoke slowly, making sure not to hurt his friends feelings, "Well the people I came across with were pretty cooperative. They were upbeat and we got along really well!"

But he did.

Shaun felt his world spinning and lamented at his luck!

Dan, in an attempt to restore his bro's feelings spoke again, "Well, I didn't get any intended targets if that makes you feel better?"

It did not.

Robert, seeing the bad job Dan was doing, stepped in, "Don't worry, the people you have taken in are more capable than ours, right Dan?"

"Yeah what he said"

Dan was really bad at this.

Shaun knew his attitude wasn't that great so he let the matter go, all be it with a heavy heart.

Shaun picked himself up and put on a façade of happiness, even though he was still crying on the inside.

Shaun led the trio back towards the rowdy bunch of teens with a fake smile on his face.

"Ok guys, the taxis are outside. We shall get going!" Dan said, which was responded with loud cheers!


"EH, MY BROTHER ARE YOU SURE THIS BUILDING IS OURS!" Tanaka shouted, causing the rest of the group to shun him for being loud.

Shaun who was also in shock, checked his map to see if this was the building, "Yes, we are sure"

This surprise instantly lifted his mood.

The group were standing in front of a sealed off area. This sealed area had things blocking its view all the way up to the clouds.

When coming to this location they saw two more like this, which only Shaun and Dan could assume, were the buildings of the other guild masters.

It was to be expected though, this was one of the most prosperous cities in the world, not to mention Era's headquarters were stationed there.

As they say, this is prime real estate!

Shaun and Dan, before leaving Era were given a few options for where they wanted to build a headquarters at. They only chose New York as they did not have the people or resources to spread their focus around the world.

Shaun wasn't wondering what the building was gonna look like as he had designed it with Dan, he was actually wondering what was inside.

Yes, Shaun and Dan got the chance to pick the building material and theme for their guild headquarters.

They were going to pick something flashy like lightning and fire but something deep inside them compelled them to make a different choice.

It wasn't something tangible, it was something only the two of them could understand.


It was a flashback.

Back to when the made the vow and were so sure they were going to fulfil there spur of the moment dream.

Then came the sudden turn of events that allowed them to have an early foothold in this industry.

These things reminded them they weren't children and they were here for a purpose.

They shouldn't forget that as they were the only ones that would know, if they forgot all purpose would be lost.

Both of their minds clicked at the same time, and both of them knew what they needed to do. Whether it was the name or the theme for their guild, they knew.

They thought of the building looks and structural integrity and made a choice.

They went with a building made of reinforced obsidian. It was a special artificially formed mineral that Era had and no one in the world knew about.

This reinforced Obsidian had surpassed the Mohs hardness scales by 3 going to a world deifying 13 but it was a strenuous and difficult task to make.

It was as sturdy as industrial steel but the lengthy procedure to make it it took away all thoughts of using it a lot.

The only reason Era was willing to use it for their building was to build a better relationship with them.

This had probaly taken all the stock Era had!

They described the way they wanted their building to look and Era formed a hologram composed of what they thought Shaun and Dan wanted.

Shaun and Dan edited and re-designed un-realistic parts of the design and went on to specify which material needed to go where. After that they designed the inside floor plan and usages and they were done

Fast forward to the present and now Dan and Shaun started leading the way into the sealed area.


On the other side of New York...

In front of sealed of building were 2 groups of people.

On one side there was an army of people in red tuxedos with white ties, all of them had red hair and the one at the front of the group was especially domineering.

She wore masculine clothes even though she was a woman but this only amplified her already imposing aura.

That was Mazet

On the other side was a group of people in white tuxedos, the tuxedos had lightning down the left arm sleeve, some had more than others. The man at the front of the group had especially prominent lightning on his sleeve, he held himself in a goofy manner, but no one dared to correct him, fearing his wrath.

This was Astor.

The woman ended the deafening silence between the two groups.

"Astor, husband. I believe that you have brought all, and by all I mean all of the 'techniques' correct." Mazet said, not even showing the slightest bit of love when addressing her so called 'husband'.

Astor, as if expecting this reaction replied in a monotone voice, "Yes, of course, and I hope you have done the same."

They knew where they stood and kept unnecessary conversation to a minimum

Two black trucks came through and both groups moved to either sides of the road.

Mazet took a deep breath, lifted her hand up into the air and put on a tooth filled smile.



Been thinking and wonder if I should enter Spirit awards?

Let me know in the comments if my work is good enough! Early chapter, won't post this Sunday cause I've posted soo many this week and need to stock for later!

Join my discord!
