5. Eleanor

Vald's Pov

I lay against the soft snow mound, letting the dry powdery snow reshape itself around my weight. My skin had cooled to match the surrounding air, and the tiny pieces of ice felt like cotton under my skin.

The sky was filled with stars. The stars created swirling shapes against the black background of the empty universe. An awesome sight, exquisitely beautiful. Or rather, it should have been exquisite, it would have been if I'd been able to see it.

It wasn't getting any better. Seven days had passed, seven days I'd hidden here in the empty wilderness. But I was no closer to freedom than I had been since the first moment I'd caught her scent.

When I stared up at the crystal sky, it was as if there were an obstruction between my eyes and its beauty. The obstruction was a face, just an unremarkable human face. But I couldn't quite seem to banish it from my mind. 

I heard the approaching thoughts before I heard the footsteps that accompanied them. The sound of movement was only a faint sound against the snow.


"His Highness, Prince Vald." He bowed, "His Majesty, the King has requested that you join him for dinner."

The journey back to the castle was short-lived.

"His Highness, Prince Vald." The young maids curtsy.

Nodding at them in acknowledgement I continued to my chamber.

"His Highness, Prince Vald." I heard my name being called, my body stiffened as I stood outside the door of my chambers.

"Nora." My eyes flickered to her, "Please call me Vald when we're alone."

If I'm going to marry her might as well loose the formality.

"Yes, your...uh, I mean Vald." Nora uttered obediently as her eyes wandered around.

Nora Shaw was the daughter of Alexander Shaw, general of the King's armies. She had blue eyes that reminded you of the ocean with waist length white hair. She had an oval face shaped, thin nose and subtle lips.

She was enthralling.

"So what do I owe the pleasure?" I lifted her chin so she could meet my gaze.

"I wanted to see you." Nora mumbled, her cheek turned a crimson red.

"You did?" I asked, stunned by her boldness.

"My father is preparing the carriage for our returned home. I came to show my respect to the His Highness." She explained, staring into my eyes for a second then dropped her gaze.

"Very well, Lady Shaw." I let my hand fell to my side.

Just then a maid approached us. "His Highness, Prince Vald." She curtsy, "Lord Shaw has requested Lady Shaw."

"Very well." I nodded as my hand fell to my side.

"Have a wonderful evening, His Highness." She smiled.

"Thanks you, Lady Shaw. You have a wonderful evening." I smiled at her as the maid led her away.

My smile slowing turned into a frown. Nora was a kind, gentle and faithful person who deserve to be with someone who at least love her.

Entering my room which was built lavish with a fine taste of wood and walls that was covered in paintings. I removed my shirt that fell to my feet.

I Walked towards the bath that was built like a pool with pillars with candles burning around them. I stepped until I was completely immersed in the water and fall back slowly. Then I got up my body leaning back as I pushed the hair back that clenched the muscles on my back.

Water dripped from every inch of my body. The droplets of water fell from the end of my midnight black hair on my neck, and slided down my back.

After gotten dressed with the help of maid. Which by the way I did not missed, I made my way to the dining room. When I arrived the double doors were pushed open for me to enter inside.

"His Majesty." I greeted as I entered the room.

"Took you long enough." He complained as I went to take me seat.

Just then the door was open and the servants started bringing in the food.

"I'm glad to see that you have finally returned home..." He paused, "where you belong."

"It hadn't been that long." I frowned, taking a sip from the wine.

"You should be here to learn how to rule." He mumbled. "Have you decided about you marriage with the General daughter."

"No." I answered nonchantly.

"You will soon have to make a date." I said. "Seeing that your here you can start your duties, that you have neglected."

"Hmm." I hummed.

"I'll let Theodore filled you in." He said, taking a bite from his meal.

And that was the last straw. I let the fork slipped from my fingers and crushed on the plate with a loud clink.

"Can we not talk about this?" I asked, clenching my jaw.

"You will start your studies soon..." He started but trailed off. "Unless, you're not staying."

I remained silent.

"You're not staying, aren't you?" He asked with a frown on his face.

"I haven't entirely decided that yet," I answered unsurely.

"What is it with those bloody humans!?" He raged. "Your a Prince with duties!" He slammed his fist on the table.

"I will not be caged, like an animal!" I proclaimed before leaving the room.

I wandered around the palace grounds until I standing in the grand garden. I gazed at the stars for one more moment, trying to see past the face in my head. Between me and the lights in the sky, a pair of bewildered chocolate-brown eyes wondered at my motives. Seeming to ask what this decision would mean for her.

"His Highness, seem to be troubled." Theodore spoke snapping me out of my daze. "I don't supposed you'll tell me what seem to troubling you?"

Theodore was more than a servant he was my friend. But I just couldn't seem to confide in him.

I folded my arms across my back, my shoulders rigid. "I'd prefer not to talk about it. Please forgive my reserve."

He remained quiet but I ignored him, trying in vain to appreciate the stars.

"Will you be returning to the human world?" He finally asked, breaking the silence.

"I don't think so." I whispered.

"I think that you will go back." He said, resting his hand on my shoulder. "The Prince I know is no coward, who runs from his problems." He finishes before turning on his heels.



I was restless and it was a cursed I have to lived with, it comes with being an abomination. A hybrid. The result of a vampire and werewolf.

You must be curious about my siblings. Well, for starters thier not human but a werewolf. After I was born and my mother had witnessed the result, she fled.

She ended up in a near by packed where she found her mate and gave birth to Haden and Adriana. A few years after, they were spotted outside the castle gate. There pack members slaughtered and were looking for me. The only remaining family they had.

We have been inseparable since.

It was the sun rays shining brightly through the curtains that brought me out of my daze.

Then a knocked came from my door and shortly after Theodore entered the room.

"His Highness." He greeted with bow, "His Majesty, the King has requested that I help you catch up on your royal duties." He explained.

"Theodore," I called, standing to my feet when he met my gaze. "Do you know my name?"

"Yes, Prince Vald." He answered.

"Then use it. I'm tired of your formality." I grumbled, picking up my sword before placing it inside my sword belt.

I was walking out of my chamber with Theodore by my side when Nora came into view and I stiffened.