
***Cling cling cling***

I opened my eyes and searched for whatever was wrecking my sleep. I moved my arm over the table by my bed and there it was. My phone I pushed it off the table. It didn't stop but that's not what scared the sleep out of me.

My phone just fell down.

" Fuck " I said and jumped out of bed and fetched it from the floor.

The screen was broken cracks allover the screen, but it worked. I finally dismissed the alarm. Everyday I set three alarms;

5:45a.m - to prepare me to wake up. I usually don't hear it.

6:00a.m - if I didn't hear the first one, this prepares me again. I also don't hear this, too.

6:15a.m - to wake up. I hear it, sometimes. I just dismiss it.

6:30a.m -to wake up like for real I usually don't hear this because I deactivate it and the rest at 6:00a.m or 6:15a.m.

6:45a.m to inform me I'm really late. I don't hear it. Sometimes, because mom already woke me up.

This time I woke up with the first one. I put my phone back in the table cursing myself for my carelessness.

I wasted about fifteen minutes fidgeting with my blanket and bed. But the shock of the lost phone was too much. I'm was no longer sleepy.

Mom doesn't come, she usually comes at 6:30a.m. I collected myself and did all the necessary. Moved down for breakfast mom wasn't also there, she was still sleeping.

I prepare breakfast for the two of us and then wake her up after I'm done with mine and I'm ready to leave.

I figured she must've been tired so she needed all the sleep she could get.

She teaches at a primary school lessons there start at 9a.m and hers are in the evening mostly, English you know. So she doesn't need to wake up too early.

I left for school while she ate her breakfast.

In the afternoon after second period. I met with Jerome and Jenny in the library after attending my Computer lesson or as the geeks there say ICT I think it's sounds more geeky. They should not call it that. Jenny was from her sub-math lesson and Jerome. . . well I'm not sure.

" Friday is the best day at school " Jerome remarked satisfactorily.

" Why" I asked him mostly to get that stupid look off his face but I didn't care.

" Bro lessons are done for today " he said his excitement higher than someone whose one a lotto.

" After break, Library time up to lunch then after lunch if you don't like sports you can go home and if you wanna watch or participate you stay up to 3:20p.m then home . " he explained. " although some kids stay up to 4 studying. " he added.

Yap not all stayed back for sports some stayed back to hang with their boyfriends or girlfriends, lucky bastards, and some others hated their homes I presume.

We sat at the table in the library three of us on one side, me in the middle of the two of them.

They didn't say much and anyone would easily notice the bad air that hung around us.

The two of them were pissed at each other I figured it out when we were in the GP( General Paper) class. Jenny did a bad job hiding it. She looked like she'd been told to be angry at everyone for a million dollars. I'm sure if that was the case she was winning. And Jerome. . well he was being all chill about the situation ignoring Jenny and her silent treatment I'm sure that pissed her off to the core.

" This is boring " Jerome said and covered his was it History or whatever book he was pretending to read.

I looked at him.

He added. " Man I think I'm gonna leave "

" Good, no one wants you here " Jenny said.

" Someone's learnt how to talk, I thought you'd forgotten how to " Jerome saud and laughed.

" You're. . . " Jenny was firing back when I cut her off.

" Where are you going ? " Jenny shot me a look which I ignored.

" I gotta be someone " he smirked and packed his book in the bag.

" Jerk " Jenny muttered in anger after he'd left.

" What. . . " I was gonna ask but she looked at me angrily and said.

" Don't. don't act like it's any of your business " and she turned back to her book.

Ouch, she really hurt my feeling a little bit there but yeah it wasn't my of my business.

I didn't show her tough I decided to change the topic. " I'm going to tryout " I smiled.

She just looked at me this scarily look probably her ' who-told-you-I-give-an-f ' face.

That didn't go well. I thought.

So I decided to keep the silence and let Madam Witch read her book.

Maybe the witch had a heart to and said " I will come by and see whether it was your male ego talking or not before I go home "

" Male ego ! " I looked at her.

" I don't have that "

" Ofcourse you do every guy has it " she sounded and looked more calm than a couple of hours ago.

" No " I protested harder this time.

" Mhmm, hmm " she smiled and continued reading her book calmly.

Just next to us in the corner of the Library was a couple kissing each other like there was nobody else there. The boy's tongue cracking open the girl's as if eating her up. quite disgusting and annoying if it wasn't you doing it. The moment was awkward I wanted to not look at them but I couldn't. I've kissed a lot. I won't lie about two girls now I wonder whether that's how we looked kissing. They saw me staring at them.

" Sorry. . ." the girl said and pushed away her boyfriend slowly. He seemed to still want more.

" As if she was being eaten alive from the mouth " Jenny said after they left.

" Yeah, did you see that " I said.

Single people feel better after making fun of couples. It's a known fact.

•Mental note - record yourself kissing a girl just to see how you look.

****to be continued....