Who is she ?

He blew he's whistle " LET'S GO " he said in a loud voice it hurt my ears a bit. The players who were benched got off the court. Ralph still glared at me in anger but what the fuck could he do.

Totally nothing.

I looked over to the cheerleaders side. I saw Tess and Jenny talking animatedly, laughing I resisted the urge to look at Jenny's. . . I mean Tess'legs.

" YOU " the coach said looking at me.

My stomach churned.

" You wanna go that side " he said pointing to the cheerleaders side.

" N. . no sir " I said trembling. I wondered why I called him sir.

" What's your name ? " he said

" Tro. . .Troy Mike " I said

" Louder " he commanded.

" TROY MIKE " I shouted I bet some guys laughed I thought I sounded a little funny.

" Your full name, boy " he said and came a little closer to me.

" That's. . . that is. . . my full name sir " I said.

" What, no sur name " he said.

" Yes, sir " I said my head down. Dang it I said sir again.

" Whatever " he said his voice a little calm now. Not scary at all.

" Okay Mr. . . Mike since you want to look at cheerleaders how about you give me twenty " he said as he came in front of me the scary tone was back again.

Twenty what ?

I drew a blank.

" Twenty, Go down " he said more sternly.

I didn't have a clue on whatever he was saying.

He turned around.

" Push ups " the guy on my right side and I fell down and started. I always have to do a little explaining on the no sur name thing.

I was on the fifth push up and damn I was already about to bust.

The coach turned around looked at me and a smirk appeared on his face.

Seven - I felt like I was going to die.

He went near Ralph and they talked in diminished voices.

" Stand up " the guy on my right whispered. I hesitated but I was going to truly die if I didn't comply.

I stood up.

I could feel my chest burning and my hands hurting.

The coach stopped talking to Ralph and then stood in front of us again one look at me and he knew I'd done the twenty push ups, no questions asked, who would disobey him anyway.

" Back to training " he shouted then blew his whistle.

" Training was hard " I said to Jenny as I could barely feel my hands and legs .

" See I knew you wouldn't last there "

" Thanks for the encouragement, Jenny " I said sarcastically and messaged my shoulder.

" Ours was easy. . . it was just like yoga " she said to tease me.

" Lucky you " another sarcastic comment from me. I could barely move my right leg. I was limping a little.

" Sarcasm, eh " looks like I'd won this one.

" I picked it from you " I said and smiled.

She looked at me annoyed her cheeks puffed, I could have laughed but her eyes were threatening more than the coach's.

" That's what happens if you don't do exercise " she said and put my arm around her shoulder, it helped me move a little easy now.

Who was she now ?

I couldn't recognize the witch.

All through up to the gate we didn't talk much accept when she shouted at me sometimes to watch my step.

She lent me her shoulder up to the door of my house, who was she ? I kept asking myself all through and she looked determined.

" We are here " she said and let go of my hand.

" Thanks " I said.

She reached for her bag instead.

" Have this it will help " she got out a small canned spray and gave it to me.

" What's this ? " I asked getting it from her.

I read ' Dragon ' and below it ' Relax your muscles '

" Just spray it around the parts that hurt.

. . see you tommorow " she said then went turned and went to her house.

Who was that caring Jenny ? I was confused.

" Welcome back Troy" mom greeted me taking my bag off me. I was still limping a little .

" What happened to you ? " she asked clearly worried.

" Just training " I said and went to the kitchen to take some water.

" That's what happens if you don't do exercise " I heard her saying.

" I know " I frowned.

I took the whole glass of water in one go. The water ran down and I felt it's coldness, it relaxed me.

" Troy. " Mom called out and I tended to her.

" Hmm "

" Will you be able to handle it ? " she asked in her motherly concerned voice.

" Yeah mom I'm not disabled " I said dismissively.

" Has it happened ? "

" No " I lied.

" You will be better " she hugged me.

" Take a shower though "

I sniffed my shirt, that shit was toxic.

She smiled.

I went to my room.

I sniffed it again same result, I went to the arm pits were Jenny was all that time.

Fuck ! If nose nerves die mine would be dead then.

And she didn't complain all the way.

Jenny ? I nodded my head and went to the bathroom. I took a shower after which I sprayed on the parts that hurt and they didn't hurt anymore.

Thanks Jenny.

I wanted to message her but remembered I didn't have her number, it's not like I hadn't asked she'd refused.

She'd said I didn't need her number , because we didn't have anything to talk about. She could never be so wrong.

•Mental note - ask Jerome for Jenny's number.

***to be continued....