The plan to help Consort Liang

They are having the morning breakfast with lively expresion and Jin Yu is giving out everything that Ni Qing wants. He is also instructing Lin Yue and Zhang to carry out the plan to separate the Consort Yin form the crown prince of Liang. He asks and instructed Ni Sheng and Zhao Yu to monitor and review all their army defence. If Ni Qing dream said they all can get defeat by the army of Liang.

Jin Yu is needing to review all their defence plan and make it strongest and stricter. He even is asking every border to be guarded with full army and impose hard lock to check every entry point. He will make an edict to impose the check point into Dayu Kingdom.

"Hey, do you remember if in Liang Kingdom have any prince?" Ni Qing is asking while eating her morning portion of dates.

"There is one little prince… he is still on his teenage age.." Lin Yue is answering her question.