Mo Feng arrives

They are going down to Lin Yue office just nearby the fortress wall. Lin Yue is carrying Ni Qing inside his arm. He has been so protective with Ni QIng after they were survived the whole ordeal of jumping on the cliff.

He has been worried about her swollen feet and the physician on the border told them as a normal pregnancy sign. However, Lin Yue was well aware of their suffering and near death. So he is a bit worried about her condition.

Mo Feng is checking into her pulse and opens up his medicine box. He is taking out one of the golden elixirs and give it to her without thinking anything. Mo Feng is getting worried about her condition.

"Master, are you giving me the rarest elixir from the golden weed? Every people in this world is looking for this elixir," Ni Qing is looking at her master with amusement when he is giving out the golden pill for her.