Writing, Huh?

[Music Recommendation: "Usui Takumi" theme (Kaichou wa Maid-sama OST)-available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in a loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter <3 ~

"In that case, why don't you try writing a story yourself?"

That question repeated a couple of times in my head before I was able to respond to Kai.

"... Writing, huh? I guess I never thought of it that way," I told him, still mulling over things in my head. "Why 'writing' though? They're not really the same thing."

"You said you enjoyed reading because it's like going on an adventure yourself—going into a new world and becoming another person."

Oh my, did I say it that way? It sounded so weird now that I'm hearing it.

"Yeaaah…," I cringed. I hope he didn't get creeped out from what I said. Was I weird?

"You should know that you could do the same in writing. Only difference is 'you' get to imagine and decide how everything is going to be. What will the world be like, how will the characters be like, what challenges will they face, and all those things."

"I see… I never thought of it that way."

"Why not try it then?"

"I'm not sure if I can write like how those talented authors do it."

"You don't have to be great at it on your first try. That's why you're just going to try it and see if you'll enjoy it. If you do, then do your best in learning the craft, if not, then try another thing until you find it."

"I see… You're right. But still—"

"Try it out first," he cut me off. Was I annoying? "Like my father used to say, finding your dream is like finding your fated partner."

My eyes widened in surprise. I did not expect such things to come out from him. I almost burst out laughing, if not for his serious tone, so I bit my lips instead, trying to stop myself.

"It's cringey, I know," he continued. He probably heard me trying to stop my laughter. "But it's true. We don't really know who our fated partner is, mostly the same with our dreams—we don't know it until we find it. Once you find it, you'll know it's the one. And once you do, you won't let go of it no matter what happens. Because you enjoy it, it's your passion, it's what makes you feel alive. And it will be your definition of happiness."

"Ha-ha-ha," I chuckled, unable to stop myself. "Sometimes you speak such deep words that I begin to wonder if you're really only sixteen."

"They're not my words—they're the words of my father whenever he tries to teach me things. I just remembered them. He even said finding his dream was like finding my mother. You could imagine how much it grossed me out having to listen to it."

"Ha-ha-ha-ha!" I laughed out loud. "Wow! Your father sounds nice. You two close?"

"Yes, I like him." Aww… I didn't expect he had such a cute side. "He's like a cute puppy that I want to bully." Okay, I take that back real quick. "But in serious times, he will really give brilliant advice and wisdom that he got from his old age, and lots of experiences."

"He sounds like my dad. Maybe most great dads are like that."


"How about your mom? Are you two close, too?"

"Hm, we are, but I'm closer to my father—not just me, we all are."

"Huh? You're all close to your father?" I didn't get that.

"Me, my mother, and my sister," he explained. I see he had a sister. "If anyone asks who's our favorite in the whole family, we would all answer 'father'. That's a unanimous decision for us since we basically have the same personality—all grumpy and loves bullying father."

"For real?! Ha-ha-ha-ha! Oh my, I feel sorry for your father!"

"Don't be. It's fun. You should try it once you meet him."

"What? No way!"

"Well, it's your loss."

"Your whole family sounds nice."

"Not really, only father is decent," he quickly disagreed.

"Huh? Why though?"

"You'll know if you went to our house with just me, my sister, and my mother at home."

I got curious. "Why? What happens if your father is not there?"

"It's a catastrophe, of course," he said, sighing. "Imagine putting three grumpy people, who like bullying and pranking others in one room. And out of the three of us, I'm considered to be the most quiet one, and bullies the least."

I burst out laughing again. Oh my goodness, their family sounds like a funny one. Maybe that's why Mr. Grim Reaper was so kind and nice despite his claims that he's grumpy and liked bullying.

"I sure want to see that someday," I said, still laughing.

"You should."

Then I got curious again. "By the way, is it okay if I ask… where are you from? I mean, what country?"

"Land of the Red Dragon."

"Oh, wow! You don't sound like one—not in a bad way—I mean, I have a bit of an accent from my country, Pearl of the Orient."

"Uhm. I'm part British, that's why, just a quarter though—my father's the half one. I lived as a child there and got homeschooled. Then, I moved here during grade school."

"Woooow, I've never seen one like that. I'm curious how you look. You must be handsome."

"Hmmm… that's subjective. Beauty depends on the preference of different people."

"Fair enough." He's either too honest, or shy, or maybe just saying what he really thought.

"Hey, we're getting off topic. Try writing. Let me know what comes of it."

"Oookay," I agreed, still skeptical. "I promise to try it out. What should I write about though?"

"Hmm… why don't you try that story mode? You said you found the story predictable. Try writing it your way then."

"Like fan fiction?"

"Yeah. If not, then just create an entirely new story."

"Alright, I'll give it a try. It may take time though."

"It's okay. Take all the time you need."

"Thanks so much again, Kai."

"No worries."

"Surely, when I meet you someday, I'll make sure to repay you and give you lots of hugs!"

"Ugh, no hugs please."

"Ha-ha-ha-ha! Just kidding. I know you hate touching."

And so, we continued chatting until we finished boss hunting. As usual, I had a fun and meaningful conversation with Kai, the Not-so-Grim Reaper. I'll secretly call him my Guardian Angel though, he somehow always pointed me to the right way.

Writing, huh? I guess I'd have to try it out.