Meeting Ms. Qian Yu

~ [Music Recommendation: "Tiptoe Thru The Tulips" by O'Neill Brothers (instrumental only)-available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter

"Ughhh…," I heard him grunt on the other line. That didn't sound like good news. "I have to accompany my sister to an event. I'm sorry. Saturday is—"

"It's Guild Wars! Yes. That's okay. We can meet some other time," I rudely cut him off. Maybe he didn't want to meet and I was just being pushy. It's alright. I won't ask anymore. I'd just wait for him to offer it himself. Yeah, once he's ready.

"... Actually… Nevermind."

And there was silence. It's been a while since the atmosphere became awkward between us.

"Anyway… thank you very much again. And sorry, but I haven't slept all night so I'm feeling sleepy now."

"Uhm… Have a good rest."

"Thanks. Good mornight," I tried to pull some humour.