Mom's Surprise

~ [Music Recommendation: "Tiptoe Thru The Tulips" by O'Neill Brothers (instrumental only)-available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter

I couldn't believe it. Finally! We're meeting! I almost screamed in my delight.

I heard Kai chuckle on the other line and I ended up doing the same.

"See you on Saturday, then. Send me the name of the hotel you're staying at and your room number so I could fetch you. Your dad can come with us, too. And you might meet Scarecrow and Casper at school."

Woah! That was brave of him. I wonder how dad would react? He'd probably think he's my boyfriend even if I already explained to him how I wish it was the case. But to be honest, I kinda prefer to go with him alone. So we could talk comfortably.